Khaleej Times

Family of student killed in US sets up foundation to provide scholarshi­ps


new york — The parents of Sabika Sheikh, a Pakistani exchange student who was killed in the deadly mass shooting in a Texas high school two years ago, have started a foundation to keep her memory alive through providing university scholarshi­ps to low-income Pakistani women, according to a report in The Houston Chronicle.

Sabika Sheikh, 17, was among the 10 people killed in the May 18, 2018, shooting at Santa Fe High School near Houston, Texas. Thirteen others were wounded.

Her parents, Abdul Aziz Sheikh and Farah Naz, have created the Sabika for Peace Foundation to expand educationa­l opportunit­ies for those most in need, the

Chronicle said.

“I’m always worried that we might forget (Sabika),” Farah Naz, the mother, told The Houston Chronicle during a Zoom interview with the family from their Karachi home. “But starting this foundation I know this is impossible. I know if I continue working with foundation, she will always be with me.”

The foundation is a partnershi­p between the Sheikh family and several prominent nonprofit organisati­ons, including the Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund and the American Council for Internatio­nal Education (ACIE), the report said.

ACIE, the American Institute for Foreign Study and the Internatio­nal Education and Resource Network are providing a seed grant of $300,000 to establish the foundation, which will support programmes to “honour Sabika’s memory”, including by providing scholarshi­ps to fund university studies for low-income Pakistani

women, particular­ly those with civic engagement aspiration­s.

Naz, Sabika’s mother, said that ACIE representa­tives approached the family prior to the coronaviru­s pandemic with the idea of honouring Sabika’s legacy through an educationa­l foundation.

The Sheikh family said the scope of the foundation will target scholarshi­ps for universiti­es in Pakistan for now, but will eventually expand to offering exchange opportunit­ies for American schools “so that the connection and ties” with the United States continues, said Sania Sheikh, Sabika’s sister. —

I’m always worried that we might forget (Sabika). But starting this foundation I know this is impossible. I know if I continue working with foundation, she will always be with me Farah Naz

Mother of Sabika

 ??  ?? Sabika Sheikh
Sabika Sheikh

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