Khaleej Times

Jiu-Jitsu, drama: Keeping kids engaged during summer break

- Nandini Sircar nandini@khaleejtim­

dubai — Children have seamlessly adapted to the new normal, using their time productive­ly this summer. While the pandemic has limited holiday activity options, parents and training institutes have successful­ly kept kids occupied with constructi­ve engagement­s.

Azerbaijan­i expat Elshad Shirinov wanted his 14-year-old son Aydin Shirin to use his vacation prudently. While Covid-19 did seem like a roadblock, he refused to accept it as an obstacle. “I sent my son for two-week Jiu-Jitsu (Japanese martial arts) training. He had to undergo Covid-19 tests to attend the camp in Abu Dhabi. But I had complete faith in the organisers and I knew he would be in good hands.”

Shirinov received the schedule in advance and was impressed. “At 7am children had breakfast, from 8.30am to 1pm they were at the gym with specific coaches. This was followed by lunch and swimming. During the Jiu-Jitsu classes at 6.30pm, they wrestled with different opponents. Obviously, everybody at the camp was tested before

hand and was Covid-19 negative.

“Children should utilise their time effectivel­y during holidays. This helps them become confident and learn the value of hard work. It will also stand them in good stead in future,” he added.

Expressing unanimity at the idea of utilising time fruitfully, Indian mother Madhulika Chatterjee has also made sure that both her children remain busy with different developmen­t resources.

“My daughter Nandini is in Year 8 and has been busy with an online drama camp hosted from Canada. She also resumed physical rehearsals maintainin­g

social distancing measures here at The Junction – Alserkal Avenue. They’ve also had theatre practices using Zoom. Additional­ly, she is taking online lessons in Hindi from a training centre in Kuwait as they have an upcoming play in November.

“My son Neil is doing an edX course on Entreprene­urship in Emerging Economies. Two weeks ago, he also went for his MCC summer bash in Ajman — held at midnight. So, yes, my children have been gainfully occupied this holiday season.”

Malaysian mum Adilatul Abdullah added: “I feel physically active kids are more likely to be motivated, focused and successful in school. I am glad the Covid-19 situation is much better controlled in the UAE. That’s allowing everyone to resume different activities gradually. Needless to say, everyone seems to be maintainin­g good hygiene and safety measures. I am happy my children are utilising the summer break prolifical­ly.”

Kids should utilise their time effectivel­y during holidays. This helps them become confident and learn the value of hard work.” Elshad Shirinov, Azerbaijan­i expat

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