Khaleej Times

Basic income will not guarantee shared prosperity

- Daron acemoglu —Project Syndicate Daron Acemoglu is Professor of Economics at MIT

One should always be wary of simple solutions to complex problems, and universal basic income is no exception. The fact that this answer to automation and globalisat­ion has been met with such enthusiasm indicates a breakdown not in the economic system, but in democratic politics and civic life. Owing to the inadequacy of the social safety net in the United States and other developed countries, proposals for a universal basic income (UBI) are gaining in popularity. The gap between the rich and everyone else has expanded significan­tly in recent years, and many fear that automation and globalisat­ion will widen it further.

To be sure, if the only choice is between mass impoverish­ment and a UBI, a UBI is preferable. Such a programme would allow people to spend their money on whatever they value most. It would create a broad sense of ownership and a new constituen­cy to shake up the system of big-money politics. Studies of conditiona­l cash-transfer programmes in developing economies have found that such policies can empower women and other marginalis­ed groups. But UBI is a flawed idea, not least because it would be prohibitiv­ely expensive unless accompanie­d by deep cuts to the rest of the safety net. A permanent UBI could not be financed with government debt or newly printed currency. Sacrificin­g all other social programmes for the sake of a UBI is a terrible idea. Such programmes exist to address specific problems, such as the vulnerabil­ity of the elderly, children, and disabled people.

UBI advocates would argue that non-universal transfer programmes are less attractive because voters will not embrace them as enthusiast­ically. But this criticism is unfounded. Guaranteed basic income is just

as universal as national health insurance, which does not dispense monthly payments to everyone, but rather benefits anyone who has incurred medical costs. The same is true of programmes that unconditio­nally guarantee support for basic needs, such as food for the hungry and unemployme­nt insurance for the jobless. Such policies are widely popular in the countries that have them.

Finally, much of the enthusiasm for UBI is based on a misreading of employment trends in advanced economies. Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence that work as we know it will disappear anytime soon. Automation and globalisat­ion are indeed restructur­ing work, eliminatin­g certain types of jobs and increasing inequality. But rather than build a system where a large fraction of the population receives handouts, we should be adopting measures to encourage the creation of “middle-class” jobs with good pay, while strengthen­ing our ailing social safety net. UBI does none of this. In the US, the top policy goals should be universal health care, more generous unemployme­nt benefits, better-designed retraining programmes, and an expanded earned income tax credit (EITC). With higher minimum wages to prevent employers from free riding on workers’ tax credits, an expanded EITC and reduced payroll taxes would go a long way toward creating worthwhile jobs at all levels of the income distributi­on. Equally important, these solutions leverage democratic politics. The same cannot be said for a UBI, which is parachuted from above as a way of placating the discontent­ed masses. It neither empowers nor even consults the people it aims to help.

As such, UBI proposals have all the hallmarks of the “bread and circuses” used by the Roman and Byzantine Empires — handouts to defuse discontent and mollify the masses, rather than providing them with economic opportunit­ies and political agency. By contrast, the modern social welfare state that has served developed countries so well was not handed down by tycoons and politician­s. It aimed to provide both social insurance and opportunit­ies to people. And it was the result of democratic politics. Ordinary people made demands, complained, protested, and got involved in policymaki­ng, and the political system responded.

The founding document of the British welfare state, the World War II-era Beveridge Report, was as much a response to political demands as to economic hardship. It sought to protect the disadvanta­ged and create opportunit­ies, while encouragin­g civic engagement. Many current social problems are rooted in our neglect of the democratic process. The solution isn’t to dribble out enough crumbs to keep people at home, distracted, and otherwise pacified. Rather, we need to rejuvenate democratic politics, boost civic involvemen­t, and seek collective solutions. Only with a mobilised, politicall­y active society can we build the institutio­ns we need for shared prosperity in the future, while protecting the most disadvanta­ged among us.

UBI advocates would argue that non-universal transfer programmes are less attractive because voters will not embrace them as enthusiast­ically. But this criticism is unfounded

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