Khaleej Times

PM Modi praises pilot Abhinandan, attacks rivals over surgical strikes


kanyakumar­i (tamil nadu) — Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday hailed Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman saying that every Indian was proud of him and lashed out at political rivals for suspecting the armed forces which, he said, helped Pakistan.

Modi also hit out at the previous Congress-led UPA government for allegedly “blocking,” surgical strikes post 26/11 Mumbai attacks in 2008.

After inaugurati­ng several government projects here, Modi said: “I am proud that India’s first woman Defence Minister Nirmala ji is from Tamil Nadu.

“Every Indian is proud that the brave wing commander Abhinandan belongs to Tamil Nadu.”

The events of the past two days, an apparent reference to IAF’s air strikes and the IAF shooting down a Pakistan jet, have demonstrat­ed yet again the strengths of the country’s armed forces, Modi said.

“It has also brought our nation closer,” the prime minister said, an obvious pointer to the outpouring of support to Abhinandan and India’s armed forces from the people. However, he said, it was sad that a few political parties “suspect our fight against terror.”

When the entire nation supports the country’s armed forces, they “suspect the armed forces,” he said. “These are the same people whose statements are helping Pakistan and harming India. They are the same people whose statements are happily quoted in the parliament of Pakistan and in the radio of Pakistan,” Modi said.

“They should clarify — do they believe our armed forces or they believe those forces who support terrorism on our soil?

“I want to tell them — Modi will come and go, India will remain. Please stop weakening India to strengthen your own politics,” Modi said. “We are Indians first and your politics can is the safety of our nation that is at stake,” the prime minister said. He asserted that the entire world was supporting India in its fight against terror.

Reiteratin­g his government’s resolve against terrorism by retaliatio­n, he slammed the previous UPA government for not following such aggressive tactics. “The nation expected those responsibl­e for these acts of terror to be punished but nothing happened. 26/11 (Mumbai terror attacks) happened in India but nothing happened,” Modi said. —

every indian is proud that the brave wing commander Abhinandan belongs to Tamil nadu...i am proud that india’s first woman Defence Minister nirmala ji is from Tamil nadu Narendra Modi Prime Minister of India

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