Khaleej Times

Trump-Kim summit site rumours swirl

Speculatio­n is rife over the venue of a potentiall­y historic summit between North Korea’s Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump


2 PYONGYANG: North Korea’s capital has seen previous bilateral meetings, including 2000 meeting between Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Kim Jong-il But many observers think summit in either Pyongyang or Washington is unlikely due to security concerns

4 EUROPE: Several countries with internatio­nal reputation­s as mediators, including Finland, Switzerlan­d and Sweden, have been raised as possible neutral locations for summit Sweden has an embassy in Pyongyang and represents interests of US, Canada and Australia

6 INTERNATIO­NAL WATERS: In 1989, George HW Bush met Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, on Soviet cruise ship, Maxim Gorky, off coast of Malta KT / GRAPHIC NEWS • PICTURES: AP, WIKI COMMONS SOURCES: AP, REUTERS, BBC

1 PANMUNJOM: One of most likely sites being discussed is Joint

Security Area (JSA) — only spot along Demilitari­zed Zone where North Korean troops stand face-to-face with South Korean and UN Command forces But some see JSA as symbol of Korean War rather than place for peace deal

3 BEIJING: China is North Korea’s main economic supporter, but has toughened up its dealings with Pyongyang in recent months Meeting between Kim Jong-un and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing on March 26 reaffirms close ties with North’s biggest ally ahead of summit 5 ASIA: Other locations in Asia, including Singapore, Hanoi or Jeju Island have been raised as possibilit­ies Ulaanbaata­r has held sensitive talks with North Koreans in the past and Mongolia maintains friendly relations with both sides

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