Khaleej Times

To-be bride’s death in friend’s vehicle


The second accident victim, who chose to remain anonymous, said that she was on her way to college along with her best friend. They were excitedly discussing her friend’s impending wedding preparatio­ns in the car, when she realised they were getting late for the lectures. She made the fateful decision to speed up and overtake the cars in front of them.

Her overspeedi­ng led to the car hitting a cement barrier and turn over several times. The girl went into coma. When she regained consciousn­ess after several days, the first thing she saw was her mother’s sad face, eyes brimming with tears. “I asked my mother about my friend who was in the car and my mother’s reply devastated me completely — she had died in the accident,” the girl says.

“The accident took place two years ago, but the nightmare of my soon-to-be-married friend’s death continues to torture me every time I close my eyes. I admit that I drove carelessly, but never thought we would end up among the many accident statistics in the country. No lecture, appointmen­t or meeting is more important than someone’s life.”

She called on the youth to be more responsibl­e on the road and avoid rash driving, “before they end up leading a life of regret”.


The accident took place two years ago, but the nightmare of my soon-tobe-married friend’s death continues to torture me every time I close my eyes. I admit that I drove carelessly, but never thought we would end up as an accident statistic.”

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