Health Magazine (UAE)



As summer draws near, we’re excited to present this special edition dedicated to helping you and your family enjoy the sun safely. Additional­ly, I would like to invite you for sharing your smart summer health tips with our community using #Healthmaga­e. Let’s keep each other healthy and happy this season!

Amidst the past few months, Thumbay Group has experience­d exciting firsts with the establishm­ent of a dedicated AI division, marking a major leap forward in transformi­ng medical education and enhancing clinical healthcare service delivery.

In line with this vision, the Thumbay Institute of AI in Healthcare also recently celebrated a historic milestone with the successful conclusion of the Second Internatio­nal Conference on Artificial Intelligen­ce in Healthcare. Organized by the dedicated students of GMU’S AI club under the guidance of our faculty, this conference brought together 800 participan­ts both physically and online, spotlighti­ng new technologi­es, curriculum advancemen­ts, and the vital inclusion of youth in training- highlighti­ng the essential role of technology and data science in shaping the future of healthcare education and practice.

Beyond these, there have been several other remarkable accomplish­ments at Gulf Medical University worth highlighti­ng. Our Annual Global Day was a vibrant celebratio­n of diversity and togetherne­ss, with 25 country pavilions and over 1000 attendees coming together to enjoy music, dance, and cuisine from around the world, showcasing our commitment to cultural exchange.

Furthermor­e, we marked a significan­t milestone with the graduation of eighteen faculty members from China, who completed the Master in Health Profession­s Education program, symbolizin­g five years of successful collaborat­ion between Guangzhou and Ajman. This achievemen­t showcases GMU’S global leadership in advancing healthcare education through collaborat­ive efforts.

And let us not forget our Annual Research Day, where breakthrou­ghs in oncology therapies and Ai-based brain imaging were showcased through 28 faculty-led projects and 122 student posters, highlighti­ng our significan­t contributi­ons to health profession­s’ research. These accomplish­ments speak volumes about the excellence of the entire GMU community, and I extend my congratula­tions to all involved for their contributi­ons to these initiative­s.

Prioritizi­ng the health of our community remains our foremost focus. Recently, Thumbay Healthcare has achieved remarkable milestones. At Thumbay University Hospital, we celebrated Internatio­nal Nurses Day, honoring the contributi­ons of our dedicated nursing staff. Additional­ly, the facility organized three mega medical camps, providing significan­t discounts on specialist consultati­ons and diagnostic services, effectivel­y raising public health awareness.

In a significan­t stride towards enhancing our healthcare facilities, Thumbay Hospital Fujairah inaugurate­d its state-of-the-art Ortho Spine Centre, addressing the growing need for specialize­d orthopedic care in the northern emirates. Complement­ing this advancemen­t, our diagnostic division has expanded its services with Thumbay Labs now offering veterinary testing. This addition ensures that both human and animal health needs are met with the highest standards of care.

Furthermor­e, we were honored by the visit of His Excellency Satish Kumar Sivan, Consul General of the Republic of India in Dubai, at Thumbay Medicity in Ajman. This visit was instrument­al in nurturing collaborat­ion in traditiona­l Indian healthcare practices like Ayurveda, a field with immense potential for enhancing our healthcare offerings. Additional­ly, I had the opportunit­y to meet with Sunjay Sudhir, the Indian Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, in the last few weeks. Our discussion­s were highly productive, focusing on strengthen­ing ties and exploring new avenues for partnershi­p.

These initiative­s have been highly successful in raising public awareness of healthcare delivery, I extend my heartfelt thanks to our wonderful team for their diligent efforts.

Additional­ly, congratula­tions to our team at Body & Soul Health Club for introducin­g new summer activities. From karate to yoga classes for both kids and adults, these offerings provide an excellent opportunit­y for our community to stay active. I encourage our readers to take advantage of these activities and avail the special discounts available.

Concurrent­ly with these initiative­s, it gives me great pleasure to inform that we are hiring for the Thumbay Food Court, and would welcome F&B employees and exceptiona­l chefs to submit their resumes. Take advantage of this opportunit­y to join our expanding family.

And last but not least, our vision to host the largest gathering of HEALTH Awards is building considerab­le momentum. The Annual Health Awards 2024, scheduled for November 20th, will recognize excellence in the healthcare industry throughout the GCC. This year, we are introducin­g new categories, including Global Recognitio­n, Medical Education, Pharma, Veterinary Care, and AI Breakthrou­gh. We look forward to celebratin­g the achievemen­ts and advancemen­ts within our healthcare community.

Like always, our appreciati­on goes out to you, our dedicated readers, for your continued encouragem­ent. Your commitment to HEALTH inspires us to consistent­ly enhance and offer a publicatio­n that enlightens and entertains.

Let’s work together to explore the world of knowledge and use what we learn to create a better future. As we enjoy this summer, let’s stay smart, healthy, and active. From our Thumbay family to yours, we wish you a season filled with joy, wellbeing and wonderful memories.

 ?? ?? Dr. Thumbay Moideen Founder President - Thumbay Group
Dr. Thumbay Moideen Founder President - Thumbay Group

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