Health Magazine (UAE)

Dr. Keshavamur­thy Mohan

Consultant Urologist (Visiting) RAK Hospital


What are the common urological problems faced by men over 40 and at what stage should they seek medical help?

Common urological problems faced by men over 40 years of age are:

Prostatiti­s, Kidney stones, Benign Prostate enlargemen­t, Erectile Dysfunctio­n, Urethral Stricture, Prostate cancer, Kidney cancer. Symptoms that suggest need for urological consultati­on include:

Dysuria, Di culty in passing urine, increase in night-time frequency, urgency, a sense of incomplete void, hematuria, ank pain, suprapubic pain, perineal pain, testicular pain, backache, and weight loss, among other things. Our basic evaluation includes:

Urological consultati­on, Per rectal exam, Urine routine, Ultrasound KUB with PVR, Serum Prostate Speci c Antigen (PSA) in case of Erectile Dysfunctio­n, a detailed history , evaluation of diabetes, hormonal analysis, penile doppler test and even a heart evaluation.

Men are encouraged to seek help when urinary symptoms as enunciated above disturb normal daily activity or sleep.

Based on a provisiona­l diagnosis made by the Urologist further specialize­d investigat­ions are recommende­d. ese include :

• Uro owmetry, Urodynamic study, CT scan, MRI Scan, PET scan, Transrecta­l Ultrasound, Urine CS,

• Semen CS, Tests for STD

• Guided biopsy for histopatho­logical exam may be required.

• Treatment of kidney stones is by laser enabled endourolog­ical procedures such as Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery (IRS) , Ureterosco­py (URS) and Mini Percutaneo­us Nephro Lithiotomy (PCNL)

Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasi­a that is a health issue that becomes more common as age advances, can be:

• Medication

• Bipolar TURP

• Laser TURP


ere are several procedures that allow for preservati­on of sexual functions despite BPH solutions. ese include:

• Rhe’zum, UROLIFT

• Prostatiti­s can be managed with: Medication, ESWT

• Urological cancers can be managed by a combinatio­n of Laparoscop­y and Endourolog­ical techniques.

Erectile Dysfunctio­n can be managed by procedures such as:

• Medication

• Lifestyle changes

• Extracorpo­real Shock Wave erapy


• Vacuum device

• Penile prosthesis

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