Gulf News

SpiceJet set to launch 16 new flights this month

Indian airline to boost connectivi­ty between metros and underserve­d cities


Indian budget passenger carrier SpiceJet will launch 16 new flights from August. Accordingl­y, Bhavnagar in Gujarat will be added to its domestic network. Bhavnagar will now be connected to Delhi, Mumbai and Surat with direct flights starting August 20.

Besides, the budget carrier will also launch 10 more flights that will connect Gwalior with Jaipur, Kishangarh (Ajmer) with Mumbai, Belagavi with Delhi and Visakhapat­nam with Bengaluru, and add an additional frequency to the Delhi-Jammu sector.

According to Shilpa Bhatia, Chief Commercial Officer, SpiceJet: “Strengthen­ing regional connectivi­ty between metros and underserve­d cities is at the heart of SpiceJet’s mission and vision and we are delighted to add the beautiful city of Bhavnagar to our fast expanding domestic network.

“Being one of the key cities for trade and commerce with many large- and small-scale industries, having the world’s largest ship breaking yard and variety of holy places to visit, Bhavnagar comes with great potential for both business and leisure travel alike.”

Industry-first flights

Furthermor­e, she said the industry-first flights connecting Gwalior with Jaipur and Mumbai with Kishangarh and other new and additional flights will support the domestic expansion we are aiming for aggressive­ly.

“SpiceJet is well aligned and fully committed to aid the recovery of air travel and realise India’s dream of a having a strong, stable and progressiv­e aviation market by constantly adding new routes and destinatio­ns,” Bhatia said.

 ?? Courtesy: SpiceJet ?? Bhavnagar in Gujarat will now be connected to Delhi, Mumbai and Surat with direct flights starting August 20.
Courtesy: SpiceJet Bhavnagar in Gujarat will now be connected to Delhi, Mumbai and Surat with direct flights starting August 20.

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