Gulf News

Man dies celebratin­g child’s exam results

Indian collapses within hours after hearing daughter’s CBSE scores


An Indian expat in the UAE died while celebratin­g his daughter’s CBSE board exam result on Friday. Sharjah resident Jose Varghese, 55, collapsed within hours after hearing the news of good marks scored by his daughter studying in his hometown in the South Indian state of Kerala, according to his church members here.

The father-of-two was a chartered accountant. He had been a UAE resident for around 20 years and ran a company with a partnershi­p.

“His wife is a teacher in Kerala. She and his two children live over there,” Fr. Abin Baby Oomelil, vicar of St. Mary’s Jacobite Syrian Soonoro Patriarcha­l Cathedral in Sharjah, told Gulf News on Saturday.

Jose and family were elated to know that his daughter Donnah Elizabeth Jose had secured 96 per cent marks in CBSE grade 12 exams, the results of which were announced on Friday afternoon.

He also shared the joy by distributi­ng sweets to his friends in his buildings. He had also reportedly planned bigger celebratio­ns later in the evening.

Apparently, Jose suffered chest pain later, following

Jose and family were elated to know that his daughter Donnah Elizabeth Jose had secured 96 per cent marks in CBSE grade 12 exams, the results of which were announced on Friday afternoon.

which he was rushed to the hospital.

“His friends and other members from the church were there. He passed away at 7.40pm,” Fr Abin said, offering heartfelt condolence­s to the family.

Jose had a history of hypertensi­on and diabetes. His Covid-19 test report came out negative, Fr Abin said.

He said a death certificat­e was awaited to know the exact cause of death and arrangemen­ts would be made to fly the mortal remains to the family in Kerala.

 ??  ?? Jose Varghese
Jose Varghese

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