Gulf News

No Dubai-Manila commercial flights until the end of August

Philippine carriers will instead deploy special flights, subject to approval

- BY ANGEL TESORERO Senior Reporter

Regular commercial flights between Dubai and Manila on Philippine Airlines and Cebu Pacific will remain suspended until the end of next month, airline officials confirmed to Gulf News.

The announceme­nt came following a decision by the Philippine government on Friday to “extend the ban on travellers from 10 countries, including the UAE, until August 15 to curb the transmissi­on of the Covid-19 Delta variant”.

“Cebu Pacific has cancelled its flights to and from Dubai from August 1 until August 31, 2021, to ensure that its operations restart smoothly and safely. This schedule realignmen­t is geared towards avoiding any last-minute changes that could cause inconvenie­nce to our passengers,” a statement from the Manilabase­d budget carrier said.

A Dubai-based spokespers­on for Philippine Airlines (PAL) also confirmed to Gulf News that the airline had not received any confirmati­on yet on when commercial flights will resume.

“What we have are special flights, called Bayanihan flights, but these are subject to approval from authoritie­s in Manila,” the PAL official clarified.

The airline official added that a special commercial flight (Flight PR659) left Dubai at

10.20pm on Thursday, bound for Davao. “The flight was originally bound for Manila, but was re-routed to Davao because we were not able to secure hotel quarantine bookings for passengers in Manila,” the official continued.

Hotel quarantine a must

The PAL official also said that based on guidelines set by the Philippine Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF), airlines are required to ensure bookings for a 14-day hotel quarantine for all inbound passengers before they secure a special permit to deploy a Bayanihan flight.

“We have already cancelled our flight on August 2 and the flight on August 4 is still tentative,” noted the PAL official, adding: “Passengers must check with the airlines to confirm the flight status before heading to the airport.”

 ??  ?? The announceme­nt came following a decision by the Philippine government on Friday to extend the ban on travellers from 10 countries.
The announceme­nt came following a decision by the Philippine government on Friday to extend the ban on travellers from 10 countries.

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