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China’s factory activity slowest in 17 months



China’s factory activity expanded in July at the slowest pace in 17 months as higher raw material costs, equipment maintenanc­e and extreme weather weighed on business activity, adding to concerns about a slowdown in the world’s secondbigg­est economy.

The official manufactur­ing Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) eased to 50.4 in July from 50.9 in June, data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed yesterday, but remained above the 50-point mark that separates growth from contractio­n.

Analysts had expected it to slip to 50.8. It was the lowest figure since the index slumped to 35.7 in February 2020, after China began lockdowns to control the coronaviru­s pandemic.

An NBS official said in a statement the PMI’s subindex for production slipped to 51.0 from 51.9 in June, pointing to equipment maintenanc­e and extreme weather. The new order subindex fell to 50.9, from 51.5, reflecting a slowdown in demand.

A subindex for raw material costs stood at 62.9 in July, compared with June’s 61.2, pointing to an increase in costs.

Shrinking profits

High raw material prices have eaten into the profitabil­ity of industrial firms and deterred some Chinese exporters from taking on orders.

Authoritie­s are eager to prevent high factory-gate prices being passed on to consumers, which would only add to current economic headaches as underlying demand remains weak.

Hit by extreme weather, the constructi­on index dropped to 57.5, from June’s 60.1, and analysts expect the sector to face headwinds amid Beijing’s clampdown on the property market.

To bolster a slowing economy, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) in mid-July surprised the market by lowering the reserve requiremen­t ratio (RRR) for banks, releasing around 1 trillion yuan ($154 billion) in longterm liquidity. Manufactur­ers are grappling with new challenges including higher raw material prices, surging logistics costs and global supply chain bottleneck­s, and the pace of GDP growth is expected to be moderate.

Steel production

Record flooding in central China may have also weighed on business activity in July, along with government moves to curb steel production in line with a drive to reduce emissions.

The official non-manufactur­ing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) eased to 53.3 in July, from 53.5 in June, a separate survey from the NBS showed.

 ??  ?? High raw material prices have eaten into the profitabil­ity of industrial firms.
High raw material prices have eaten into the profitabil­ity of industrial firms.

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