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US stimulus talks, strong earnings to keep stocks up



Investors have plenty to focus on in the week ahead, but analysts view the most important of them all is the US fiscal stimulus package, which is expected to make headway in the coming week.

“Markets continue to watch for further signs of progress on a US fiscal stimulus package, while vaccinatio­n programmes continue, giving markets and the global population hope of an eventual return to normality,” noted Chris Beauchamp, chief market analyst at UKbased trading group IG.

“Apart from US and Chinese CPI it is a quieter week for economic data, after a period of central bank releases and US employment numbers.”

The corporate front will remain busy in most key parts of the world. In the UK, AstraZenec­a and online retailer Ocado are to release full-year earnings, while in the US, firms across a variety of sectors publish figures, with such names as Cisco, Twitter, Coca-Cola and Disney all set to release their latest earnings.

Investors this week will focus on a hefty fiscal stimulus package worth $1.9 trillion, which if signed into law at its current size, the total federal spending due to the pandemic would be $5.3 trillion.

On the data front, there are just a few reports expected this coming week in the US, but the consumer price index inflation report is an important one to watch on Wednesday. Markets will also be monitoring the impeachmen­t trial of former US President Donald Trump, which begins February 9.

There was higher market uncertaint­y last week amid a trading frenzy in GameStop Corp shares and other social media favourites. Although the sentiment was seen more or less calming, investors were now eyeing signs of possible market-related stress that could stem from the unwarrante­d buying and whether it will weigh on broader stock performanc­e in coming weeks.

For now, US equities appear to be looking past last week’s surge in volatility that led the S&P 500 to its biggest weekly decline since October. Solid earnings, fiscal stimulus expectatio­ns and progress in country-wide vaccinatio­n efforts are leading stocks back to all-time highs, analysts view. Moves in the CBOE Volatility Index, known as the market’s fear gauge, also indicate that investors may be more sensitive to market turbulence than usual as the index’s climb was eight to 10 points higher than expected.

With key equity benchmark trading at a near record-high valuation level, the word “bubble” is frequently appearing in analysts’ notes, following sharp gains fuelled by unpreceden­ted stimulus measures from central banks and government­s fighting the economic impact from the pandemic.

 ?? AP ?? Traders confer on the floor of New York Stock Exchange. US stimulus package talks have boosted the markets this week.
AP Traders confer on the floor of New York Stock Exchange. US stimulus package talks have boosted the markets this week.

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