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Graham vows to probe ‘coup’ bid by officials against Trump



Senator Lindsey Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, vowed Sunday to investigat­e whether the top officials at the Justice Department and the FBI plotted an “attempted bureaucrat­ic coup” to remove President Donald Trump from office, and said he would subpoena the former FBI director and the deputy attorney general if necessary.

Graham, was reacting to an interview in which former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe confirmed an earlier New York Times report that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had suggested wearing a wire in meetings with Trump and that Justice Department officials had discussed recruiting Cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office.

Rosenstein has disputed the account. “I think everybody in the country needs to know if it happened,” Graham said on the CBS programme Face the Nation, calling McCabe’s assertion “beyond stunning.” He added: “I’m going to do everything I can to get to the bottom of Department of Justice, FBI behaviour toward President Trump and his campaign.”

Asked by the programme’s host, Margaret Brennan, if he would subpoena McCabe and Rosenstein to testify, Graham said, “How can I not if that’s what it takes?”

A Democratic member of the Judiciary Committee, Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware, agreed with Graham that McCabe’s remarks “deserve scrutiny.” But he took issue with Graham’s characteri­sation of the situation. “I don’t think that this frankly rises to the level of some deep state conspiracy,” said Coons, also speaking on Face The Nation. “I suspect that once this is fully discussed, it’ll be clearer that this was a brief or passing conversati­on that’s been taken out of context.”

McCabe made the explosive remarks in an interview with the CBS programme 60 Minutes, released in part Thursday, in advance of its full airing Sunday evening. He said Justice Department officials became so alarmed by Trump’s decision in May 2017 to fire James Comey, the bureau’s director, that they discussed whether to recruit Cabinet members to invoke the ■ 25th Amendment, which outlines the succession plan should the president become incapacita­ted, resign or die in office.

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