Gulf News

Let Mueller have a free hand in his job

Faith in America’s justice system and in its intelligen­ce agencies cannot be collateral damage in a partisan grudge match

- By William Webster

In 1978, I was asked to head the FBI at a perilous time. The bureau was mired in controvers­y, stung by criticism over Watergate and warrantles­s wiretaps, beleaguere­d by congressio­nal investigat­ions. I took on the job because, as I said back then, “this institutio­n was too important to lose”. We worked hard to restore trust. Ronald Reagan later appointed me to do the same at the CIA after the Iran-Contra scandal. Having served my country through these challengin­g chapters in American history, I am saddened by what I see happening today to the investigat­ion led by the Special Counsel, Robert Mueller. From United States President Donald Trump’s tweets to broadsides from his lawyer, Rudolph Giuliani, denouncing the investigat­ion, to calls from congressio­nal Republican­s for the ouster of Mueller’s boss, Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, it’s destructiv­e.

I was disappoint­ed to see Trump last week appear to express greater confidence in the word of Russian President Vladimir Putin than in the unanimous judgement of the men and women of America’s intelligen­ce community, whom I once led. Faith in the justice system and in America’s intelligen­ce agencies cannot be collateral damage in a partisan grudge match. No matter which party wins, America loses; trust in the rule of law is always too important to lose. Sixty years ago, I was just one of many young Americans who enlisted and put on a uniform to defend America’s values in the world. Today, we must defend those values at home in America.

I’m a lifelong Republican. Giuliani was a fine federal prosecutor during the years I led the FBI. It is because he knows better that I expect him to do better than to demand that the Justice Department shut down an investigat­ion into possible Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election. That investigat­ion has already led to 35 indictment­s — including those last week of 12 Russian intelligen­ce officers in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton presidenti­al campaign — as well as five guilty pleas and one prison sentence. To accuse Mueller of trying “to frame” Trump is wrong.

Mueller’s service to the country should not require defending. Leading the criminal division of the Department of Justice under former president George H.W. Bush, he shut down the illegal bank that laundered Osama Bin Laden’s blood money. Under another former president George W. Bush, after September 11, Mueller led the FBI through one of the most difficult times in America’s history. As mayor of New York, Giuliani himself stood with Mueller in the rubble of the World Trade Center.

Americans need to know that we are all still united in the pursuit of justice. We should not run down our own institutio­ns, trivialise the impartial actions of our own grand juries, degrade our own justice system, or bully a free press for doing its job. We do so at our peril. The president should want this investigat­ion to follow the facts where they lead and bring America the answers we all deserve.

I’ve humbly served my country all of my adult life. The proudest title I’ve ever held is one Americans share: Citizen. In times like these, citizens have a duty — to serve, and to speak up. Mueller is doing his duty. We need to do ours. When I was sworn in as director of the FBI, I said we would “do the work the American people expect of us in the way the Constituti­on demands of us”. That means defending values like truth, justice and civility, because the idea of an America united by the rule of law is too important to lose. ■ William Webster, a former federal judge, was director of the FBI from 1978 to 1987, and director of the CIA from 1987 to 1991.

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