Gulf News

Give your health a twist


Yoga practition­er Nerry Toledo recommends 10 minutes of the

Supta Matsyendra­sana or the

Supine Spinal Twist to make a difference to your well-being.

“This pose can be done every single day, with anyone, no matter what level you are at your practice. It will decompress your back and lengthen your hamstrings and hip external rotators,” she says. “It also strengthen­s your abdominals and back while stretching the chest. It massages the abdominal tissues, detoxifies internal organs, calms the mind and relaxes the body. This pose also relieves lower back pain, opens the shoulders, and elongates the spine.”

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Lie flat on the ground. On an exhalation, draw both knees to your chest and clasp your hands around them for a knee-to-chest pose (Apanasana).

Extend your left leg along the floor, keeping your right knee drawn to your chest. Extend your right arm out along the floor at shoulder-height with your palm facing down.

Take your left hand to your outer right thigh. Exhaling, drop your right knee over the left side of your body. Keep your left hand resting gently on your right knee.

Turn your head to the right. Soften your gaze towards your right fingertips. Keep your shoulder blades pressed towards the floor and away from your ears. Allow the force of gravity to drop your knee even closer to the floor. If your right toes can touch the floor, allow your foot to rest.

Hold the pose for 10-25 breaths. On an inhalation, slowly come back to the knee-to-chest pose. Exhale, and extend your right leg along the floor. Repeat steps 3-6 on the opposite side.

Hug your knees to your chest for a few breaths. Slowly exhale as you extend both legs along the floor.

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