Gulf News

The best words could be unspoken

- Tommy Weir

When I was in fourth grade, I suffered from a lack of belief in what I could do. Self-doubt contained the effort I applied to anything I did and, as a result, I accepted being average when I could have done so much more. Then, one day, I walked into my bedroom and found a poster on my wall, boldly displaying the words that have since become my life’s motto: “You Can If You Think You Can”.

The poster — which I later discovered had been pinned up by my dad — managed to stick to the wall of my room for the next decade. Even then, when I left for university, it went with me.

Thanks to that 11x17-inch poster, every day I was confronted with a visible reminder of the message my dad was hoping to instill in me. I’ll be forever grateful for how my dad handled my lack of belief. He didn’t lecture me about it and make it a dreaded conversati­on that would make me question myself further.

Instead, he helped me build my belief through talks while playing ball and through subtle reminders, like the poster on the wall, or little poems, messages and books.

Even now, decades of my dad’s positive influence are all around me. In my study, shelves heaving with books exude inspiratio­nal messages compelling me to go for it and never quit. Among the titles: the poem Winners vs. Losers, collection­s of motivation­al quotes from the legendary American football coach Vince Lombardi, 52 Success Talks (published in 1919) and dozens of other books conveying messages of belief.

Perhaps the poem, Go For It, summarises my dad’s message best. In that poem, we are reminded to find what life has to offer, to throw away doubts, turn dreams into reality and avoid regrets.

Inspiring words matter. They can be your cheerleade­rs when you’re surrounded by doubters and I never tire of reading them. I’ve read certain inspiratio­nal messages hundreds, and in some cases thousands, of times, but they never fail to reset perspectiv­e and remind me of what I can do.

Surround yourself with encouragin­g words, whether spoken by family or friends, published in books or even recorded in YouTube videos. Through life, problems that challenge your self-belief will undoubtedl­y arise, but listening to inspiratio­nal messages will help you beat those problems before they beat you. Challenge is an inevitable part of life, but every day you have the luxury of choosing again who or what will prevail: you or the obstacle in your way. Believing that impossible dreams do come true is a choice. Life’s battles aren’t won by the strongest and fastest, but by those who fight on. When I was a boy, my dad used to say, “If the coach asks you to run one mile, run two.”

I’d roll my eyes and think, “Are you nuts?” Then he’d explain that if I ran just one mile, I’d be like every other player. If I wanted to win, I’d have to do more.

You have to build your internal fight and belief. Technicall­y this is called self-efficacy: the interactio­n of your belief and resolve to succeed. Practicall­y, I call it the difference between winners and losers. Winners believe they can win.

To this day, the poster from my dad hangs prominentl­y in my study. For over 40 years, the words, “You Can If You Think You Can”, have been my companion, reminder and guide. I’ve read them so many times that I don’t even consciousl­y read them anymore, but the confidence they give me guides my day. It’s not the words that matter, it’s the belief.

I’m not sure my dad really understand­s the depth of what he was building into me when I was a child, or the impact his words still have on me today. But, whether he knows it or not, I want to pass his gift on to you. When you wake up tomorrow, believe in yourself and what you can achieve.

■ Tommy Weir is a CEO coach and author of Leadership Dubai Style. Contact him at

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