Gulf News





8 10 11

12 13 15 18 19

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32 34 35 36 37 38 What to wear when you leave the car with heavy heart (5)

Shoot the rotten prigs! (5) British ones are insular (5) Would he make a hearty crony? (3)

Dirtiest part of the Solar System (5)

On these, there’s a fair chance of bumping into people (7)

Tries some of the latest styles (5)

Such a dog will evidently take a drink! (3)

The hiring of a theatre in the ‘legitimate’ sense (6) Ran out with the boys (7) Sharpen by putting each end in water (4)

Like a piper with a following (4)

At school, youngster useful with a computer (7) Racehorse that finishes up after all the others (6) Pull from the East! (3)

It’s cold, alas, back at Land’s End (5)

A fault that makes me tired (7)

More than 1,000 keys all jumbled up (5) There’s little change in one (3)

Public availabili­ty of back numbers (5) Growing need for a sixfooter to go to church (5) Noble ground? (5)


1 2 4 5 6

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14 16 17 19 A newcomer in ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ (5) Allowed to perform in just a vest (7)

A girl mentioned with regret (4)

If you want to be equipped, out with it! (6)

Pale as a female with no love lost (5)

A match for Lucifer? (5) Boy to go fishing with? (3) Like Nero, he could destroy much of Rome, perhaps (7) Take down in person (3) A unit in flight (5)

Slip it into the projector (5) Trotted out, so to speak (7) 20

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28 30 32 33 Makes a change from wasps! (5)

A bit of a bloomer (5)

In a seedy case, were given authority (7)

He may treat you patiently (6)

Uncle’s cat? (3)

Was it spoken in pieces of broken Italian? (5) Asian people rising in sublimatio­n (5)

The snag about a free ride (5)

An act heartlessl­y denied (4)

Regret moving on from Rouen (3)

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