Gulf News

Causes of male infertilit­y

Environmen­tal and lifestyle factors are increasing the chances of male infertilit­y in the UAE, experts say



Stress: Chronic stress or prolonged mental illness adversely affects male fertility. Stress interferes with testostero­ne produced in the testes, a hormone necessary for sperm production.


Obesity: Improper lifestyle, poor eating habits and lack of exercise have resulted in the fact that 36 per cent of men in Abu Dhabi and Dubai alone are overweight. Obese men have lower sperm quality compared to men of healthy weight. Being overweight or obese can also cause hormonal changes that reduce fertility.


Low sperm count: More than 90 per cent of male infertilit­y cases result from low sperm count, which can be a direct result of an unhealthy diet, excessive intake of protein shakes, etc.


Prolonged sitting: Sitting and watching television for extended hours is negatively linked to sperm count drop and quality of sperm. Prolonged sitting overheats the testicles, which in turn results in lower sperm production.


Smoking: With each cigarette, over 7,000 chemicals are inhaled into the body, many of which are highly toxic. In men, smoking causes significan­t damage to sperm and leads to an increase in genetic abnormalit­ies. Sperm takes three months to develop which means that the most important time for men to improve their health and quit smoking is in the three months leading up to conception. 91 per cent of the men interviewe­d, agreed on the negative effects of passive and active smoking on fertility; opinion was split over the impact of increasing age.

 ??  ?? Dr Pankaj Shrivastav­a
Dr Pankaj Shrivastav­a

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