Gulf News

Institutio­ns need to shed time warp mindset

These systemical­ly vital entities, by using the same responses, are getting left behind Special to Gulf News


and other discipline­s. Then there are the persistent slippages in skill acquisitio­n programmes.

As a result, there has been a notable erosion of trust in the effectiven­ess of public institutio­ns. And the damage to their credibilit­y risks further underminin­g their effectiven­ess and perpetuati­ng a vicious circle set in motion by their failure to generate high and inclusive growth.

Our understand­ing of how public institutio­ns should adapt and reform is still evolving. As such, a complete solution is yet to emerge. But a few imperative­s are already clear.

Limit harm, including by resisting the natural inclinatio­n to promulgate increasing­ly ineffectiv­e, albeit establishe­d approaches, entities, and mindsets.

Be much more open to the lessons that can be learnt from external disrupters, and be willing to revisit the underpinni­ngs of processes and entire business models.

Enhance public-private interactio­ns, not just for direct content, but also as a way to broaden the scope for greater cross-fertilisat­ion of best practices.

Improve methods of public communicat­ions, lest continued informatio­n failures, ageing channels, and the cumulative erosion of trust compound operationa­l shortcomin­gs.

Up to now, too many inherently influentia­l institutio­ns have lagged in identifyin­g and implementi­ng reforms. This has amplified the disappoint­ment, alienation, and marginalis­ation felt by segments of the population vis-a-vis government­s that do not hear or respond to a deeply entrenched fear of economic insecurity.

It is a phenomenon that has been many years in the making, that cannot be eliminated overnight, and that increasing­ly fuels social and political disruption­s.

Institutio­ns matter, especially in a period of economic, political, and social fluidity. The longer it takes to restore confidence in key public and, to a lesser extent, private institutio­ns, the greater the impediment­s to our well-being and that of our children.

The writer, the Chief Economic Adviser at Allianz, is the author of “The Only Game in Town: Central Banks, Instabilit­y, and Avoiding the Next Collapse”.

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Hugo Sanchez/©Gulf News

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