Gulf News




1 A superior crowd’s din? (6)

7 It’s quite usual in heraldry (8)

8 Heated outpouring­s (4)

10 Man’s team? (6)

11 Disagree with an attitude taken at work? (6)

14 A test for mother? Not her! (3)

16 Narrow roads making up a wide one? (5)

17 Drop out of a project early (4)

19 Is such a blonde a darling? (5)

21 Though only young, can still have a key (5)

22 The devil can be fined! (5)

23 Run a line? (4)

26 Stands up for better pay (5)

28 Hedonistic fellow? (3)

29 Concentrat­ing on one’s aim (6)

30 Crazy main switch for the current (6)

31 I had a gold piece with a certain image (4)

32 Stamp of excellence (but a blemish on a building?) (8)

33 Time that egg! (6)


1 Not exactly unfair? (6)

2 Might he really thump a tub? (6)

3 Species of hog from abroad (4)

4 It’s easier for Smiler possibly to be soft-hearted (7)

5 Francis, possibly cured? (5)

6 They’re of pretty resilient material (5)

8 City of Mali? (4)

9 Barker’s doctor (may also treat Tom) (3)

12 Give coppers, but not all day (3)

13 Union lines (5)

15 Poet no end upset! (5)

18 The Spanish drink is Scottish rather than Scotch (5)

19 ‘Speed’, said to be high (3)

20 Seem willing to raise some donations (3)

21 To do so means I’m wrong in nominal usage (7)

22 Practition­er’s charge for cut feet? (3)

23 They give way indoors! (6)

24 Indigo from Manila (4)

25 One who breaks into computer systems for kicks? (6)

26 Just so honourable? (5)

27 Bird with a leg extended? (5) 28 He’s evidently up to fatherhood (3)

30 A pop singer may well take him in hand (4)


ACROSS: 1. Os-car 6. S-O-p-py 9. Mounted 10. Kaput 11. Rival 12. Begin 13. Goneril 15. Sit 17. Aged 18. Supper 19. Scots 20. Preach 22. Post 24. Sir 25. R-O-mance 26. Roy-Al 27. Shoal 28. Snail 29. Came-l-ot 30. Order 31. US-her.

DOWN: 2. Sea-dog 3. Amused 4. Rot 5. Angel 6. Serio-us 7. Odin 8. Prat-I-e 12. Birch 13. Ga-MP-s 14. Never 15. S-PO-on 16. Trite 18. S-too-L 19. Sc-h-olar 21. R-ic-her 22. Pa-I-nts 23. S-crib-E 25. Ratel 26. Race 28. Sou.

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