Gulf News

Minister accuses Qatar and Iran media of maligning GCC

Bahrain’s Al Romaihi claims blatant lies and outrageous deception used to mobilise people

- BY HABIB TOUMI Bureau Chief

Bahrain’s informatio­n minister said Qatari media is trying to distort the image of the Gulf Cooperatio­n Council (GCC) and push for a local popular movement to call for a withdrawal from the six-country alliance.

Qatar has been a member of the alliance comprising Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia and the UAE since it was set up in May 1981. Three GCC countries, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and Egypt, on June 5 severed their diplomatic and trade ties with Qatar.

Ali Bin Mohammad Al Romaihi, the Bahraini minister, told London-based Al Sharq Al Awsat that the media in Qatar, in retaliatio­n, is working up Qataris to push for their country’s withdrawal from the GCC.

“The current Qatari media policy deliberate­ly concocts claims and fabricates historical and political fallacies in order to build up resentment among Qataris against the GCC and reduce its stature,” Al Romaihi said. “The media wants the Qatari citizen to believe the measures taken against Qatar’s negative policies are in fact directed at him.”

Following its attempts throughout the current crisis to distort the image of the GCC countries, the Qatari media is now twisting the image of the entire alliance through baseless allegation­s, he added.

“We find it highly deplorable that the Qatari media is working on mobilising the street through blatant lies and outrageous deceptions and on involving people in a political crisis to which they were not party,” Al Romaihi said in his remarks published by Bahrain News Agency (BNA).

The minister said that the attempts by the Qatari media in this regard were started when Al Jazeera was launched.

“Al Jazeera has never been an advocate of Gulf unity or of Gulf integratio­n. Since its launch, Al Jazeera has broadcast news programmes and reports questionin­g the significan­ce of establishi­ng the GCC, and has allowed guests on talk shows to attack the Council and its leaders,” Al Romaihi said.

“The campaign orchestrat­ed by Al Jazeera and promoted through social media is trying to show that there is a popular movement in Qatar calling for withdrawal from the GCC. It is highly regrettabl­e that some Iranian media are involved in this dubious campaign. These media have been highlighti­ng the gains that Qatar will make by pulling out of the GCC and have been pushing for the formation of a Qatari-Iranian-Syrian axis. One Iranian official even suggested calling on other countries to withdraw from the Council,” the minister said.

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