Gulf News

Farah says goodbye to the circuit with a win

It’s been an amazing week, outgoing British legend says


British athletics legend Mo Farah began the day taking a lap of honour in an open-top Bentley and ended it by giving the crowd what they wanted in his final race on home turf — a victory.

The 34-year-old, who had agonisingl­y fallen just short of a third successive distance world double in London last Saturday taking silver in the 5,000 metres, cruised home in the 3,000m at the Birmingham Diamond League meeting.

Despite his presence, meeting was not a sell-out.

For a final time in Britain — he runs in Zurich tomorrow before embarking on a roadrunnin­g career — Farah knelt to the ground and kissed the the track before adorning himself bare-chested with the Union Jack flag.

“It’s been an amazing week,” said Farah. “I have been tired but had a little downtime with family.

New track

“Emotion was high, not as high as London but it was the last time at home.

“While I was racing I was just trying to think about race and who was there.

“It means everything to me to be four times Olympic champion (2012/16 doubles) it is all I dreamt of as a youngster was running for Britain,” added Farah, who came to Britain aged eight with his mother and two of his brothers form war-torn Somalia.

“A hobby has become a job which is what you want. Going to the road will be a new game and a new mindset, I am excited.”

Jamaica’s double Olympic individual sprint champion Elaine Thompson put behind her a disappoint­ing performanc­e in the 100m world final to win the event in 10.93 sec. “It was important to pick myself up and come back,” she said.

Thompson’s bitter rival, Dafne Schippers, the 200m world champion in London, finished down the field.

Unhappy times

There was to be frustratio­n for Adam Gemili in the men’s 100m — an all British affair — as the man credited with running the decisive leg in their epic 4x100m relay world victory was disqualifi­ed for a false start. “It’s the first time that has happened to me in my career. I feel like I have let so many people down,” he said.

“It’s not the world championsh­ips but I would still like to apologise.”

CJ Ujah — another member of the victorious 4x100m quartet — won the race, for his fourth victory of the season on the circuit.

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