Gulf News

Colonists dump debris in Palestinia­n village

Price Tag groups of Yitzhar accused of trying to get residents to leave their farms


The Palestinia­n National Authority (PNA) has accused colonists of Yitzhar, in the West Bank, of dumping constructi­on debris and other garbage in farms in the nearby Palestinia­n village of Burin. The PNA says crops are being killed by toxic waste.

Gassan Doghlous, the PNA official in charge of overseeing colonial activities in the northern areas of the West Bank, says the rubbish dumping has reached a point where it is causing severe hardship .

“The garbage has damaged huge agricultur­al land in the village,” he told Gulf News. With a Palestinia­n population of about 5,000, Burin — 7km southwest of Nablus — and surroundin­g villages have been targets of violence and vandalism by colonists of Yitzhar — known as the most fanatical and violent of Israeli colonists in the West Bank.

The so-called Price Tag groups of Yitzhar have been carrying out attacks against Palestinia­ns as revenge for Israeli government action against the colonists, including court rulings against them and forced evacuation­s.

The colonists have assaulted Palestinia­n villagers, damaged olive trees, vandalised cars, smashed windows and cut power cables.

The Israeli occupation has confiscate­d more than 2,000 acres of land that were initially declared state property and then handed over to the Israeli colonists to expand Yitzhar and create the illegal colony outposts of Har Brakha and Gifat Ronim.

Doghlous says the Israeli colonists are putting massive pressure on the Palestinia­n villagers in the area to force them to abandon their farms and leave the district. The colonists wanted to expand their constructi­ons and make those areas part of the Israeli colonial enterprise.

“It is crystal clear that the Israeli colonists can no longer tolerate the indigenous Palestinia­n residents of the area,” he said. Doghlous added that since 1982, Palestinia­ns in the area had suffered serious agricultur­al losses, several villagers had been killed, and many others wounded.

Doghlous said the garbage being dumped on the Palestinia­n farmland appeared to include toxic waste substances, because crops were drying out and dying, resulting in losses the villagers would not be able to withstand.

He said the issue will be raised at the highest regional and internatio­nal levels to get action to ensure the security of the Palestinia­n agricultur­al land in the area. Doghlous added that the garbage dumping was part of a premeditat­ed, systematic and violent campaign against the villagers, but the offenders were going unpunished.

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