Gulf News

Finer points of the politics of famine relief

The task of alleviatin­g humanitari­an disaster in Africa often begins with coaxing the government to accept the existence of the problem

- By David Blair

North Korea’s fifth nuclear test appears to have been the most powerful of the lot. A female newsreader clad in pink, whose main job seems to be announcing nuclear detonation­s, was pressed into service to proclaim the joyous event on state television this week. But there is one fact about North Korea that she will never mention.

In a country that has strained every nerve and sinew to develop nuclear weapons, spending countless billions, at least a third of all children are chronicall­y malnourish­ed. The same is true of a quarter of pregnant women.

For the past 22 years, the World Food Programme has quietly been doing its best to help North Korea’s people survive the ravages inflicted by their rulers. You can be sure that Kim Jong-un’s regime is not grateful; on the contrary, providing humanitari­an aid inside a country such as North Korea is a supremely delicate business.

In truth, there are few things more sensitive than helping the suffering citizens of authoritar­ian — or even semi-democratic — states in much of the developing world. Why? Because the government­s of these countries will rarely admit the existence of a problem, especially if — as in North Korea — their policies helped to cause it in the first place. And of all possible disasters, famine is the one that government­s are most unwilling to acknowledg­e.

The best explanatio­n was provided by Meles Zenawi, a late prime minister of Ethiopia. Rememberin­g the famine endured by his own country in 1984, Meles said the worst aspect was the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. “But the second worst,” he added, “was having to beg for help.”

More than two decades later, Meles was dismayed to discover that wherever he travelled as prime minister, one image that people always associated with Ethiopia was that of emaciated children surrounded by flies. Other African leaders took careful note. They realised that once the label “famine” attaches itself to your country, there is a grave risk that you will never shake it off. There are two possible responses to this legitimate fear.

In truth, there are few things more sensitive than helping the suffering citizens of authoritar­ian — or even semidemocr­atic — states in much of the developing world.

Food shortages

One would be to ensure that famine never strikes by following sensible policies. The other would be obsessivel­y to hush up food shortages whenever they occur. Sadly, many African leaders have adopted the latter approach. If Ethiopians had to beg for aid, some African government­s prefer to make the aid agencies beg for permission to help.

In 2011, the United Nations declared a famine in three regions of southern Somalia including the capital, Mogadishu. At the same time, the United Nations launched a global appeal for $1.5 billion (Dh5.51 billion) to help the country. When I interviewe­d Somalia’s then prime minister, he could scarcely contain his rage. He was not angry about the famine — oh no — what really annoyed him was that the UN had dared to tell the world about it. Even worse, the UN had appealed for help on Somalia’s behalf. “They don’t know what they’re talking about,” said Abdiweli Mohammad Ali. “But what I can say is enough relief came to Somalia and we provided enough relief to those affected by the famine.”

A few streets away from his office in Mogadishu, thousands of people were huddled inside displaceme­nt camps, including emaciated children with wisps of reddened hair — a telltale sign of malnutriti­on. But, warming to this theme, Abdiweli told me: “I don’t believe there’s a famine in Mogadishu. Absolutely no. You know the aid agencies became an entrenched interest group and they say all kind of things that they want to say.”

So the task of alleviatin­g humanitari­an disaster in Africa often begins with gently coaxing the government in question to accept the existence of the problem. This is the stage that the UN has reached in Nigeria today. The ravages of Boko Haram have inflicted terrible food shortages in Borno state, large areas of which were previously controlled by gunmen. Once the killers were driven out, they left behind a wasteland in which, few crops had been planted. In fairness, the Nigerian government bears no responsibi­lity for this disaster. However, it remains deeply unwilling to admit to the scale of the food shortages in Borno, or allow aid agencies and the UN to escalate their response. It seems that nothing is more politicall­y sensitive than a straightfo­rward offer of help.

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