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Temer: Dilma verdict by end of August

He says impeachmen­t verdict is necessary for Brazil to decide who would represent it at a G20 summit in China


Brazil’s political uncertaint­y must be resolved by the end of August — its Olympic-hosting month — by reaching a verdict in the impeachmen­t trial of suspended President Dilma Rousseff, her interim replacemen­t said on Friday.

Michel Temer, the vicepresid­ent who has been acting head of state since May, said he expected Rousseff would be definitive­ly booted from office. That would make him president until the next elections in 2018.

His comments came during a briefing with internatio­nal news agencies including AFP just one week before Brazil declares the 2016 Olympic Games open in Rio de Janeiro.

“The world needs to know who is the president” of Brazil, Temer said.

He argued an impeachmen­t trial verdict was necessary for Brazil to decide who would represent it at a G20 summit in China on September 4 and 5.

“We are hoping that the resolution of the impeachmen­t comes between August 25 and 26, because if it takes to September 4, 5 or 6, Brazil will not be able to go to the G20 summit,” Temer said.

He said he was already “acting as if I will stay on” as president. But he stressed that the procedure was entirely in the hands of the Brazilian Senate, which will decide Rousseff’s fate by holding the impeachmen­t trial.

Rousseff, from the leftist Workers’ Party and the chosen heir of popular former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, is accused of breaking government budget laws.

She says the charges are trumped up and insists she can survive the judgement vote in the Senate. But the odds look stacked against her, and many observers believe it’s likely the Senate will muster the two-third vote needed to strip her of the presidency. She has accused Temer, of the centre-right PMDB party, of treason by working with those against her.

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