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A more nutritious future for women

Enlisting women and girls as allies in combating malnutriti­on is essential — especially, working with women before they become pregnant to increase the likelihood that they’ll have safe pregnancie­s and healthy babies

- By Melinda Gates Melinda Gates is co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Earlier this year, when I was visiting with women in a village in northeaste­rn India, a casual conversati­on made my heart ache. We were chatting about our lives and families, sharing stories about our children. Then I asked if anyone had lost a child.

Almost every woman raised her hand. Most of the children, it turned out, had died during the rainy season from cholera or other diarrhoeal diseases. One woman told me that she had lost three children.

Those deaths could have been prevented — in 2015, diarrhoeal diseases don’t have to be fatal. And yet they remain the second leading cause of child mortality, and malnutriti­on is often a critical factor. If kids don’t receive enough of the right kinds of nutrients, they become more susceptibl­e to diarrhoea, which further weakens their young bodies.

It’s hard to think of another issue that wreaks as much havoc as malnutriti­on does, yet receives so little attention. Malnutriti­on plays a role in nearly half the deaths of children under the age of 5. And the hundreds of millions of malnourish­ed kids who survive those first five years suffer lifelong effects. Across the globe, 1 in 4 children are stunted, which means their bodies and brains will never fully develop. A quarter of the people on this planet won’t reach their full potential simply because they aren’t getting the nutrients they need.

Why has the world allowed this to happen? One reason is that the symptoms of micronutri­ent deficiency are often invisible — you can’t always tell that children are malnourish­ed just by looking at them. As a result, not enough government­s, aid organisati­ons and other donors have made preventing and treating malnutriti­on a top priority.

This is changing as awareness increases about the consequenc­es of inaction. Government­s in both wealthy and poor countries, and other donors, are leading efforts to increase funding and give this long-neglected issue the focus it deserves. And they have the strong support of the Gates Foundation, which announced this month that it will more than double its investment­s in nutrition, committing $776 million (Dh2.849 billion) over the next six years.

Even more financial resources are needed. And for our collective efforts to have as big an impact as possible, it’s important that organisati­ons and government­s involved make deliberate, targeted choices about the types of interventi­ons we invest in. Here are some key strategies that can help — the Gates Foundation adopted all of them recently.

We need to educate more women and girls about the solutions that we know will work. For example, we know that breast-feeding is the most important nutrition interventi­on for newborns, infants and young children — and spreading this message can save hundreds of thousands of lives each year.

As we carry out those education efforts, we should evaluate new methods that can have an even greater impact. Alive & Thrive, a programme partly funded by the Gates Foundation, was able to triple breast-feeding rates in targeted Vietnamese provinces in just five years. And in countries such as Tanzania, we’ve seen that fortifying staple foods with essential nutrients can improve children’s health for just pennies a day. The challenge that follows is to bring successful initiative­s to more families in more countries.

Meanwhile, researcher­s are working to understand exactly how our guts absorb nutrients so they can better help children survive extended periods of diarrhoea; their work should be funded and supported.

Crucial time

Enlisting women and girls as allies in combating malnutriti­on is essential — especially, working with women before they become pregnant to increase the likelihood that they’ll have safe pregnancie­s and healthy, well-nourished babies. The 1,000-day window from the beginning of a woman’s pregnancy to her child’s second birthday is a crucial time. Kids who miss out on sufficient nutrition during those years never fully grow physically or mentally, which impacts their ability to learn in school and reduces their potential as adults.

We need to strengthen food systems to ensure that people everywhere have access to nutritious and affordable food year-round. That means partnering with farmers and encouragin­g them to grow more diverse and more nutritious crops, such as orange-fleshed sweet potatoes that are rich in vitamin A and beans that have been bred to be rich in iron. It also means working with local food companies — such as Grands Moulins de Dakar in Senegal, Brittania Industries in India and Ethio Chicken in Ethopia — to ensure that they’re investing in the health of their communitie­s by marketing nourishing foods.

And, finally, collecting better informatio­n about malnutriti­on will have a big impact, since many countries with high malnutriti­on rates lack reliable and timely data on the issue. We know, for example, that malnutriti­on is widespread in Nigeria, but we don’t know where the burden is highest, which interventi­ons are working or whom we’re failing to reach. Having this data would help us develop more effective responses, and so the Gates Foundation is helping to lead this effort.

Based on our own experience, Bill and I can say one thing for sure about combating malnutriti­on: The more you learn about its terrible impact, the more you want to fight it. And the good news for families like the ones I met in India, is that working together, this is a fight we can win. © 2015 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation/

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