Gulf News

It doesn’t pay to carry that extra baggage


With summer just around thebend, many families are planning getaways. But figuring out all the details— fromwhich hotels are childfrien­dly to howmany diapers to pack for that five-hour flight (more is better)— can be critical for a smooth trip. Here are some lessons:

Don’t pack what you can get there

Leave the extra formula, suntan lotion and Cheerios at home. Any extra cash you may spend will be offset by what you save in checked bag fees and the inconvenie­nce. Besides, you are going to forget something and have tomake a run to the a grocery store anyway. If you’re willing to spend some money, you can give a list to the hotel and ask them to buy your supplies in advance for a fee.

Think compact

The more you can leave behind the better, but there are times when taking along a travel bed or a foldable highchair is worth it. A highchair, which clamps onto most tables and folds flat for easy packing, made mealtimes more enjoyable for everyone involved. (Most major hotels will provide a crib or even keep a fewstrolle­rs on hand to lend to guests.)

Don’t stuff everything into one checked bag

Travelling by plane? Airlines are generally losing fewer checked bags these days. But that’s little consolatio­n if you’re one of the unlucky oneswhose bag goesmissin­g, especially if all the children’s clothes, gear and toys are in it. As a precaution, pack half of those items in one checked bag and half in another or in your carry-on.

Don’t scrimp on airline tickets

When you are trying to stick to a budget it’s tempting to book the cheaper connecting flight or convince yourself that you don’t need to spend extra to check that portable travel bed. The non-stop flight and checked bag fees will add to your expenses, but it’s often not worth the risk of missing a connection or the effort involved in carrying those bags.

Get creative with entertainm­ent

You can quickly turn a luggage rack into an activity gym for an infant by hooking some dangling toys on it. Play-Doh is a bonuswhen travelling­with toddlerswh­o are too young to sit through an in-flight movie and too old to nap in your lap. And therearepl­entyof apps that canhelpkee­polder children entertaine­d on long flights and road trips.

Hipster hotels are great for kids

Though boutique hotels generally lack child-friendly amenities, parents with older children say that such hotels often have other attraction­s. And families with young children who wake at the break of dawn often have the pool to themselves. Onecaveat: manyboutiq­uehotels lackabatht­ub.

Make sure that suite is really a suite

Many hotels will call a room with anything more than a bed and a desk a suite, whether it has a separate living room or not. That is a frustratin­g misnomer for parents looking to put a door between themselves and their offspring. And the onlyway to find out if that room is really a suite is to call the hotel and ask.

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