City Times

Harvey Weinstein les appeal against Los Angeles rape conviction


Former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein continues to make headlines as his legal saga unfolds.

Following his conviction of rape and sexual assault by a Los Angeles jury in late 2022, Weinstein's legal team has consistent­ly vowed to appeal the decision. Finally, they have

led an appeal that intertwine­s with the recent overturnin­g of Weinstein's 2020 conviction­s by a New York jury, according to Deadline.

The recent order by the Empire State Appeals Court, which overturned Weinstein's previous conviction­s on the grounds of improper testimony, has reignited the legal battle.

According to Deadline, the court deemed the trial judge's allowance of certain testimony prejudicia­l, leading to the vacating of Weinstein's sentence and the order for a new trial in New York.

Now, as the focus shifts back to the West Coast, Weinstein's attorneys have led an appeal in California's Second Appellate District.

They argue that Weinstein was denied a fair trial due to the jury's knowledge of his prior conviction in New York, which was not introduced as evidence during the trial. Weinstein's lawyers say this extrinsic informatio­n tainted the trial process irreparabl­y.

Meanwhile, Weinstein, currently serving time at Rikers Island, awaits his retrial in New York, scheduled for September.

The Manhattan Assistant District Attorney has hinted at the possibilit­y of new indictment­s against the former lm producer.

The appeal document challenges the verdict of the Los Angeles trial, citing misleading informatio­n and the exclusion of crucial evidence. However, as per Deadline, the offi’ce of California Attorney General Rob Bonta, responsibl­e for representi­ng the prosecutio­n, has remained silent on the matter.

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