City Times

Filipina enters Asia’s Next Top Model list


Filipina beauty Maureen Wroblewitz has made it to the top 4 list of Asia’s Next Top Model – Cycle 5. She is the only Filipina left in the competitio­n following the eliminatio­n of Jennica Sanchez and Anjelica Santillan. She wrote on Instagram after the episode: “I’ve learned a lot about myself throughout this competitio­n. But the most important thing I’ve learned is that I never give up.”

Wroblewitz won the best photo citation thrice, which is more than other frontrunne­rs’ best performanc­es in the competitio­n. In the latest episode, Maureen outshone the other remaining candidates in an ice queen-themed photo shoot while wearing ice skates.

“I’ll keep fighting no matter what and I’ll be doing this for all of you. I also wanted to thank you all for the amazing support! You all mean the world to me!

“So many people have been telling me how proud they are of me. You have no idea how much those words mean to me. I hope I inspire every single one of you to go out there and do what you want to do.”

Joining Wroblewitz in the the top four is Indonesia’s Clara Tan, who earlier labeled Wroblewitz as a “pretty face but with no skills.”

Malaysia’s Shikin Gomez and Vietnam’s Minh Tu Nguyen are also through to the next round. Taiwan’s Cindy Chen was eliminated. No Filipina has won Asia’s Next Top Model yet.

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