Daily Sabah (Turkey)

AK Party weighs more changes in post-election era


THE RULING Justice and Developmen­t Party (AK Party) will replace some deputy chairs this week according to unconfirme­d reports. President and the party’s chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will convene the AK Party’s executive committee on Tuesday before meeting lawmakers on Wednesday before the planned reshuffle.

Erdoğan has mobilized the party and vowed a meticulous insight behind the factors that led to less-than-stellar results of the March 31 municipal elections which the party took a hit in the hands of the opposition. For the first time in years, the AK Party lost some major municipal seats while failing to retake the mayoralty in the capital Ankara and Istanbul it governed for years. Since then, Erdoğan increased the number of meetings with party members for a future strategy and delving into the causes of the losses. He has promised a change within the party earlier and already replaced several heads of the party’s provincial branches. The meetings are also part of preparatio­ns for a major convention of the party in September.

The president signaled more changes in his last meeting with the party’s executive committee while noting the replacemen­t of two ministers in the Cabinet and seven provincial chairs. “The change will continue in a way not offending anyone,” he reportedly told the party’s high-ranking officials. On lower ranks, the party also continues consultati­ons with supporters. Today, the party’s women’s branch convened AK Party representa­tives for neighborho­ods for consultati­ons.

 ?? ?? President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (C) chairs the Justice and Developmen­t Party’s (AK Party) central executive committee meeting, in the capital Ankara, Türkiye, July 8, 2024.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (C) chairs the Justice and Developmen­t Party’s (AK Party) central executive committee meeting, in the capital Ankara, Türkiye, July 8, 2024.

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