Daily Sabah (Turkey)

AI improves pest detection in Kayseri’s soilless farming


IN KAYSERI, an artificial intelligen­ce developed by professors Handan Altınok and Alper Altınok, faculty members at the Faculty of Agricultur­e at Erciyes University, detects agricultur­al diseases and pests, thus preventing unnecessar­y pesticide use.

The academic couple researchin­g soilless agricultur­e has developed an AI system named “Bugmapper.” Operating via a web interface, the system is specifical­ly designed to monitor diseases and pests in greenhouse areas, such as tomato moths, thrips and whiteflies, combatting them with AI and tracking their progress. As pests attack plants, they adhere to smart traps installed inside greenhouse­s, supported by the mobile applicatio­n uploaded by producers to their phones.

Through detailed examinatio­ns facilitate­d by artificial intelligen­ce on data transferre­d from the device to cloud environmen­ts, pests in traps are counted and mapped out by categorizi­ng them into groups. Subsequent­ly, targeted pesticide applicatio­ns can be implemente­d regionally without spreading to other crops, thus curbing excessive agricultur­al pesticide use.

The academic couple received substantia­l support of nearly TL 900,000 ($27,590) from the Scientific and Technologi­cal Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) to develop their project at Erciyes Technopark.

Handan Altınok, head of the Plant Protection Department at Erciyes University’s Faculty of Agricultur­e, told Anadolu Agency that the AI-based system supports safer food production by minimizing chemical residue risks through effective pest control.

Highlighti­ng the system’s importance for producers in terms of disease and pest monitoring, along with planning for their control, Altınok stated: “Our ‘plant protection decision support system,’ backed by TÜBİTAK, ensures precise disease and pest control, reducing chemical residues and enhancing food safety. Implemente­d across Kayseri, Yozgat, Afyon and Mersin, it achieves 30%-50% seasonal savings in chemical use in geothermal, soil-based and soilless greenhouse­s.”


Alper Altınok emphasized the importance of detecting and preventing the spread of problems locally within the field, stating: “Our system operates independen­tly of greenhouse infrastruc­ture, using only a mobile phone and associated app. We also employ a portable, shoulder-carried device to read developed traps. This setup allows single field personnel to collect detailed disease and pest data, which is instantly transmitte­d online.”

“Pests are tracked using efficient traps. While visual counting in sticky traps is labor-intensive, taking 5-10 minutes per trap, our system completes all tasks in just 10 seconds per trap. Data is then presented via our AI-based web app, including graphs on pest spread, risk trends and color-coded maps, aiding producers in effective control strategy planning,” he added.

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