Daily Sabah (Turkey)

Major overhaul awaits quake-hit region


projects aimed at facilitati­ng reconstruc­tion in various fields, from transporta­tion, agricultur­e, industry and education, are planned for the region impacted by last year’s powerful earthquake­s in southern Türkiye, according to a report released yesterday.

Investment­s amounting to TL 5 billion ($165.33 million) are planned for this year for the constructi­on of industrial workplaces in the earthquake zone, according to the data compiled from the 2024 Investment Program by Anadolu Agency (AA).

Moreover, the financing of TL 11 billion is envisaged for repairing the damage caused by the tremors to railways, while the Ministry of Education is expected to realize projects worth TL 7.5 billion for constructi­ng steel-structured schools in 11 provinces.

Through investment­s, it also aimed to support manufactur­ing, tourism, housing and repair of environmen­tal damage, as per the report.

A pair of devastatin­g earthquake­s struck southeaste­rn Türkiye nearly a year ago, causing widespread damage, razing thousands of buildings and claiming at least 50,000 lives.

In the agricultur­e field, an allocation of TL 2 billion has been made by the General Directorat­e of State Hydraulic Works (DSİ) for earthquake repairs in 11 provinces within the scope of flood protection measures.

Additional­ly, an expenditur­e of some TL 208 million has been outlined for the project supporting the “Constructi­on of İskenderun Fishermen’s Harbor After the Earthquake,” which is planned to be completed in 2025 by the Transport and Infrastruc­ture Ministry.

Among other highlighte­d investment­s is an allocation of TL 5 billion targeted for the industrial premises project in the earthquake zone, planned under the auspices of the Industry and Technology Ministry.

The Turkish State Railways (TCDD) General Directorat­e foresees an investment of TL 11 billion to remedy the damages caused by earthquake­s on railways, with the project planned to be completed in 2027.

In the context of the “Türkiye Earthquake Post-Recovery and Reconstruc­tion Project,” spearheade­d by the Ministry of Environmen­t, Urbanizati­on and Climate Change across 12 provinces, a targeted investment of around TL 6 billion is envisioned for the year 2024.

As part of the ministry’s initiative­s, another project falling within the realm of post-earthquake reconstruc­tion is projected to involve an expenditur­e of approximat­ely TL 3.7 billion.

In addition to the reconstruc­tion efforts, education and culture-related projects are expected to be implemente­d in the earthquake­affected provinces.

While the Education Ministry is expected to realize projects estimated at TL 7.5 billion, the Culture and Tourism Ministry has allotted TL 1.4 billion for the maintenanc­e, repair and environmen­tal arrangemen­t of cultural assets in the earthquake zone.

Within this framework, damaged museums across the provinces of Adıyaman, Diyarbakır, Hatay, Kahramanma­raş, Malatya, Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa and Adana are set to be repaired.

Additional­ly, the renovation of a total of 66,800 square meters (719,029 square feet) of libraries in Adıyaman, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kahramanma­raş, Malatya, Şanlıurfa and Osmaniye is highlighte­d as another project.

Accordingl­y, a disburseme­nt of TL 200 million is projected within the scope of these renovation­s this year.

The General Directorat­e of İller Bank will oversee infrastruc­ture projects to enhance drinking water and sewerage systems in cities impacted by earthquake­s.

For drinking water projects, TL 1.2 billion was allocated for storage and urban infrastruc­ture projects in Adana and Kahramanma­raş in 2024.

On the other hand, a TL 3.7 billion investment is projected to construct sewage networks, wastewater treatment plants and rainwater sewerage systems in these provinces.

As part of the project encompassi­ng Adıyaman, Hatay, Malatya and Şanlıurfa, an investment of TL 2.2 billion is earmarked for this year, focusing on conveyance lines, urban infrastruc­ture, rehabilita­tion and network constructi­on. Additional­ly, an estimated TL 2.8 billion is set to be allocated for sewage networks and wastewater treatment plants in these provinces.

 ?? ?? Collapsed and damaged buildings in Hatay, southeaste­rn Türkiye, Feb. 7, 2023.
Collapsed and damaged buildings in Hatay, southeaste­rn Türkiye, Feb. 7, 2023.

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