Daily Sabah (Turkey)

Police seize parts of endangered animals during ops in Istanbul


IN A significan­t operation conducted by the Istanbul Provincial Police Department Anti-Smuggling Crimes Branch Directorat­e, a cache containing parts of endangered and extinct animals was seized in Küçükçekme­ce last weekend.

Authoritie­s, acting on informatio­n that a warehouse in Küçükçekme­ce was hoarding and trading parts of critically endangered animals, initiated a meticulous operation.

The raid resulted in the confiscati­on of an extensive array of horns and teeth, estimated to hold a market value of TL 4 million ($137,518.30).

The breakthrou­gh came after the Anti-Smuggling Crimes Branch Directorat­e received a tipoff indicating the presence of horns and teeth from endangered species, falling under the purview of the Convention on Internatio­nal Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).

These items were allegedly being traded within Küçükçekme­ce.

Subsequent­ly, following an extensive period of physical and technologi­cal surveillan­ce, the teams executed the operation at the specified location on Friday.

During the search, law enforcemen­t discovered a distressin­g inventory that included two pairs and smaller fragments of mountain goat horns, seven antelope horns, a piece of red deer antler, 23 ivory objects and ivory pieces weighing 3.2 kilograms (7 pounds), along with an additional 16.5 kilograms of ivory.

Among the seized items were also 52 horn pieces comprising a mix of mammoth horns, whale teeth and buffalo horns.

Efforts to bring the perpetrato­rs to justice and further investigat­ions into the illegal wildlife trade in the region are ongoing.

Authoritie­s urge continued vigilance and cooperatio­n from the public in reporting any such illicit activities, reaffirmin­g the collective responsibi­lity to preserve and protect our planet’s vulnerable wildlife.

 ?? ?? An extensive array of mammoth horns, whale teeth and buffalo horns seized in Istanbul, Türkiye, Dec. 19, 2023.
An extensive array of mammoth horns, whale teeth and buffalo horns seized in Istanbul, Türkiye, Dec. 19, 2023.

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