Daily Sabah (Turkey)

Defense Minister Akar, UAE counterpar­t discuss ties


DEFENSE Minister Hulusi Akar headed to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) late Sunday on the first official visit at the defense minister level in 15 years, as the two countries mark a new era in bilateral relations. During his visit, Akar discussed military training cooperatio­n and issues in the defense industry in a meeting with his Emirati counterpar­t Mohammed Ahmed Al Bowardi yesterday.

It was stated that during a “sincere and positive” meeting, views were exchanged on bilateral and regional issues as well as military training cooperatio­n and the defense industry. Turkey’s Ambassador to Abu Dhabi, Tugay Tunçer, was also present at the meeting, in which the UAE’s Chief of Staff was also present.

In February, Turkey and the UAE signed 13 new agreements in various fields during President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to the Gulf country.

The two countries have seen their ties affected by regional tensions, including the conflict in Libya, where the UAE and Turkey have backed opposing sides in recent years.

Turkey in 2020 accused the UAE of bringing chaos to the Middle East through its interventi­ons in Libya and Yemen, while the UAE and several other countries criticized Turkey’s military actions. Relations hit an all-time low when Erdoğan said that Ankara could suspend diplomatic ties with the Abu Dhabi administra­tion after the UAE-Israel deal.

Turkey also sided with Qatar in a Gulf dispute, at odds with the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, while Turkish support helped Libya’s United Nationsbac­ked government in Tripoli drive back UAE-supported forces attempting to seize the capital. However, 2021 saw Turkey seeking warmer ties with several regional countries and longtime foes after many tumultuous years.

Converging interests have driven regional power shifts in the Middle East, mainly led by regional powerhouse­s Turkey and the UAE. The diplomatic maneuverin­g signals a growing realizatio­n across the region that the United States’ interest is moving elsewhere and that now is the time for negotiatio­ns that were unthinkabl­e just a year ago.

Ties between Turkey and the Arab world are experienci­ng a major thaw after years of tense relations.

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