Bangkok Post


Biggest battle was to persuade people an iconic brothel building was worth saving. By Harumi Ozawa in Osaka


At the corner of a red-light district in Osaka stands an unlikely architectu­ral gem: a century-old former brothel at the centre of a restoratio­n campaign.

Taiyoshi Hyakuban hasn’t functioned as a brothel for decades, and now operates as a restaurant, but it is seen as a symbol of the surroundin­g neighbourh­ood, which is still associated with the sex industry.

Experts say the wooden two-storey structure is a rare original example of architectu­re from the Taisho era of 1912-26.

“Most Japanese architectu­re dating from a century or more burned down in wartime air raids or big fires,” Shinya Hashizume, a professor of architectu­ral history at Osaka Prefecture University, told AFP.

“Old brothel buildings, in particular, have rarely survived.”

Taiyoshi Hyakuban has dozens of Japanese and Western-style party rooms, some featuring delicately painted sliding doors and ceilings with ornate inlays.

Murals of festivals, goddesses playing traditiona­l instrument­s and Dutch merchants in old-fashioned clothes adorn the suites, which surround a garden where towering “yin and yang” rocks represent men and women.

“The art is part of the building … that’s what is so wonderful about it”

MASAKAZU ROKUHARA Restoratio­n architect

“Here, the art is part of the building … that’s what is so wonderful about it,” said Masakazu Rokuhara, an architect involved in the restoratio­n project.

At night, swinging red lanterns strung along the outside of the building’s second floor lend the structure a nostalgic charm, gently illuminati­ng its red wooden siding.

But daylight reveals the desperate need for restoratio­n, including cracks to a large wooden plaque over the front door and fading paint.

The building is designated a “registered tangible cultural property” in recognitio­n of its historical significan­ce, but that hasn’t resulted in any public funds to protect it.

And while its owner had long planned to give the building a makeover, the pandemic downturn left funds scarce.

So a group of local real estate agents

and town developers decided to launch a crowdfundi­ng project to raise ¥15 million ($133,000) to save the struggling structure.

“We were concerned the restoratio­n might not even be possible if we waited and let the building continue to deteriorat­e for another 10 years,” said Keisuke Yotsui, a member of the campaign.

Taiyoshi Hyakuban is also something of an emblem for the historic Tobita-Shinchi red-light district, which housed hundreds of brothels a century ago.

Many reinvented themselves when prostituti­on was outlawed in 1957, with customers paying for a room rather than a companion, to skirt legal restrictio­ns.

But the neighbourh­ood retains a salacious vibe, with women sitting at entrances attempting to lure customers.

And while Taiyoshi Hyakuban has been an upscale Japanese restaurant for decades, its history meant fundraisin­g for its restoratio­n was sometimes tricky.

“We heard from women who told us there was no way they would give money for it,” because of the associatio­n with the sex industry, Yotsui told AFP.

Despite the obstacles, by August the campaign had raised nearly ¥19 million and restoratio­n has now begun.

Hashizume said there was no disguising Taiyoshi Hyakuban’s past, but the building was still worthy of saving.

“This district lives with an ugly history,” he acknowledg­ed. “But it’s also a history of how a neighbourh­ood has survived despite that legacy.”

 ?? ?? Taiyoshi Hyakuban hasn’t functioned as a brothel for decades but it is seen as a symbol of the surroundin­g neighbourh­ood, which is still associated with the sex industry.
Taiyoshi Hyakuban hasn’t functioned as a brothel for decades but it is seen as a symbol of the surroundin­g neighbourh­ood, which is still associated with the sex industry.
 ?? ?? Architect Masakazu Rokuhara points to ageing designs inside the building.
Architect Masakazu Rokuhara points to ageing designs inside the building.
 ?? ?? Taiyoshi Hyakuban, a former brothel-turned-restaurant in the historic Tobita-Shinchi red-light district of Osaka.
Taiyoshi Hyakuban, a former brothel-turned-restaurant in the historic Tobita-Shinchi red-light district of Osaka.
 ?? ?? Fading decoration­s on a wall at Taiyoshi Hyakuban.
Fading decoration­s on a wall at Taiyoshi Hyakuban.
 ?? ?? Peeling paint on the exterior of Taiyoshi Hyakuban.
Peeling paint on the exterior of Taiyoshi Hyakuban.
 ?? ?? Part of a deteriorat­ing wall inside Taiyoshi Hyakuban.
Part of a deteriorat­ing wall inside Taiyoshi Hyakuban.

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