Bangkok Post

Rittenhous­e saga flames gun row


>>WISCONSIN: Kyle Rittenhous­e’s acquittal on murder charges on Friday opened yet another front in America’s longstandi­ng fight over gun rights: Is it acceptable for a teenager to bring an assault-style rifle to a protest?

Conservati­ves hailed Mr Rittenhous­e as a hero for exercising his right to self-defence when he fatally shot two demonstrat­ors and wounded a third who he said attacked him last year at a racial justice protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Gun control advocates warned the jury’s verdict could inspire a new wave of armed vigilantis­m, after Mr Rittenhous­e — armed with an AR-15-style rifle — trav- elled in August 2020 from his Illinois home to Kenosha after demonstrat­ions erupted following the police shooting of a black man, Jacob Blake.

Mr Rittenhous­e’s decision, at age 17, to roam the streets of Kenosha toting a weapon in the name of protecting private property from rioters struck a nerve about how far gun rights should extend.

“As the tragic events on that night in August showed, a 17-year-old arming himself with an AR-15 makes no-one safer,” said top officials at Giffords, the gun safety group.

Within minutes of the verdict, the National Rifle Associatio­n posted on Twitter the language of the Second Amendment.

Brandon Lesco, who was Holding a “Free Kyle!” sign, said: “Someone needs to be there to defend the American towns that people try to burn. I respect that he was there, I respect he carried a weapon, he used it properly, he used it legally.”

The trial judge earlier this week had dismissed a misdemeano­r charge against Mr Rittenhous­e for illegally possessing the rifle he used in the shootings, citing vagueness in the law.

 ?? ?? LOCKED AND LOADED: Police advance on protesters following the acquittal of teenager Kyle Rittenhous­e after his Wisconsin fatal shootings trial, in Portland, Oregon.
LOCKED AND LOADED: Police advance on protesters following the acquittal of teenager Kyle Rittenhous­e after his Wisconsin fatal shootings trial, in Portland, Oregon.
 ?? ?? Rittenhous­e: Breaks down at verdict
Rittenhous­e: Breaks down at verdict

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