Bangkok Post

Speaker launches impeachmen­t trial


United States House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was set to send the Senate a single article of impeachmen­t yesterday accusing Donald Trump of inciting the Capitol riot, formally triggering the first-ever impeachmen­t trial of a former president.

Ms Pelosi, the top Democrat in Congress, vowed last week that the trial — already scheduled to open in the second week of February — should proceed, saying, “I don’t think it will be long, but we must do it.”

But Republican lawmakers signalled over the weekend that Democrats may struggle to secure Mr Trump’s conviction over the storming of US legislativ­e buildings earlier this month, which left five people dead.

Senior figures in Mr Trump’s party have pushed back with both political and constituti­onal arguments, raising doubts that Democrats — who control 50 seats in the 100-seat chamber — can secure the 17 Republican votes to reach the two-thirds majority needed to convict.

“I think the trial is stupid. I think it’s counterpro­ductive. We already have a flaming fire in this country and it’s like taking a bunch of gasoline and pouring it on top,” Marco Rubio, the top Republican on the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee, told Fox News on Sunday.

Mr Rubio acknowledg­ed that the former president — who had urged thousands of his supporters to flock to Washington and protest the congressio­nal certificat­ion of Joe Biden’s victory — “bears some responsibi­lity for what happened”.

But to “stir it up again” could only hurt the country, said Mr Rubio, a presidenti­al candidate beaten by Mr Trump in the 2016 primary.

Other Republican­s argued that the Senate has no authority to put a private citizen — as Mr Trump now is — on trial.

Senator Mike Rounds told NBC’s Meet the Press that the constituti­on does not allow for the impeachmen­t of a former president.

But Senator Mitt Romney, the Republican­s’ 2012 presidenti­al candidate and a frequent Trump critic, told CNN that “the prepondera­nce of legal opinion is that an impeachmen­t trial after a president has left office is constituti­onal. I believe that’s the case”.

The Utah Republican — the only member of his party to vote to convict Mr Trump in his first impeachmen­t trial — hinted that he may be leaning the same way now.

Mr Romney said he believed “that what is being alleged and what we saw, which is incitement to insurrecti­on, is an impeachabl­e offence. If not, what is?”

The Capitol riots were documented on videos seen around the world — as were Mr Trump’s earlier exhortatio­ns to the crowd to “fight” for his presidency — complicati­ng his defence.

His case may have suffered further after The New York Times reported on Friday that Mr Trump had considered ousting the US acting attorney-general in favour of a low-ranking official receptive to his efforts to overturn the election result.

 ?? AFP ?? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, left, and former US president Donald Trump.
AFP House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, left, and former US president Donald Trump.

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