Bangkok Post



Re: “Trump says China wants him to lose re-election bid”, (BP, May 1).

I have grave misgivings about US President Donald Trump’s idea of “punishing” China for the coronaviru­s. I notice nobody has ever punished the US for inventing and deploying the atomic bomb.

It is easily documented that the US government intentiona­lly caused those events. No such evidence is available in the case of the coronaviru­s.

Current thinking admits the virus may have originated in a wet market in Wuhan, so may not have been a product of human intent at all.

China is a large and powerful country of over one billion people. History shows that people can become extremely stroppy when their patriotic instincts are offended. Common sense suggests it is unwise to arouse those instincts without solid proof.

The US president is appallingl­y ignorant about many things.

His recent off-the-cuff suggestion that people might ward off the coronaviru­s by inoculatin­g themselves with disinfecta­nt is ample evidence.

His ignorance is a danger both to the US and to the world at large because there is always the possibilit­y he may act on it. No country ought to base its actions on proactive ignorance.

So I caution the US not even to think about “punishing” China for the coronaviru­s, especially since it has never punished China for other, more demonstrab­le outrages, such as the Tiananmen massacre, the persecutio­n of the Uighurs, and the enslavemen­t of Tibet.

Even the announceme­nt of such an attempt might provoke another bloviating letter to this newspaper from the Chinese embassy, and that would be hard for some readers to stomach.

S Tsow

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