Bangkok Post

Vans not the problem

More good judgement


With regard to the debate over the safety of passenger vans versus minibuses, I find some of the claims to be quite incorrect and incredible.

The claims that the vans are only used in Thailand, and that they were converted from cargo vans are just not true. I have travelled quite safely in these vans all over the world, and some are very well fitted.

Theoretica­lly, there is also nothing wrong with a van that is 10 years old, provided that it has compulsory, regular mechanical checks, examining things such as tyre-tread depth, brakes, steering links and body soundness.

The drivers must also have regular health checks and maintain a logbook to show that they are not driving excessive hours.

Minibuses will crash just as easily if they are not maintained or if the driver falls asleep or is high on drugs. The only difference is that more people could be killed in a minibus.

My experience travelling through Thailand in a van where the driver was watching YouTube on his phone for the whole 90-kilometre trip, only emphasises that driver education and policing are important for any vehicle. The driver was reported for this, but he is still driving.

LEE JORDAN Re: “Old van replacemen­ts no longer required”, (BP, Aug 13).

Three cheers for common sense!

It is a positive step that the Transport Ministry has decided it is unnecessar­y and impractica­l to implement the ludicrous directive to replace passenger vans with minibuses.

Now, if we can only have the same good judgement applied by eliminatin­g the archaic and pointless regulation­s related to mid-day purchases of alcoholic beverages, the TM30 form and 90-day reporting for foreign residents, the country would definitely be on the right track.


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