Bangkok Post

Macron visits Merkel in salvage bid

Effort to rescue ‘grand’ EU reform plans


BERLIN: French President Emmanuel Macron heads to Berlin today for talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel, hoping to breathe fresh life into his grand vision for EU reforms in the face of growing German resistance.

In a sign of the low expectatio­ns for a breakthrou­gh, Ms Merkel said the leaders’ brief meeting would be “another building block” on the road to finding “common solutions” ahead of a European Union summit in June.

The pair are due to give press statements at 1pm (8pm Thai time) before holding talks at the Berlin Palace, a historic site undergoing extensive reconstruc­tion — an appropriat­e setting for discussion­s on Mr Macron’s plans for a post-Brexit overhaul of the bloc.

But the Frenchman’s dreams of driving through the changes with Ms Merkel by his side were dealt a blow this week when her own conservati­ve CDU/CSU bloc raised objections to his flagship proposals for a common eurozone budget and an expansion of the EU’s bailout fund.

Mr Macron defended his bold ideas in a passionate speech to the European Parliament on Tuesday, describing eurozone reforms as “indispensa­ble” to challengin­g the rise of authoritar­ianism and nationalis­m on the continent.

But observers doubted whether his lofty words changed any hearts and minds in Berlin.

“Macron must feel like a suitor who tries and tries to woo his beloved, even singing under her balcony, but is fobbed off with platitudes,” the Handelsbla­tt financial daily wrote.

Much of Berlin’s resistance is rooted in deep-seated German wariness of any measures that could lead to debt pooling, or German taxpayer cash flowing to spendthrif­t neighbours.

And while Ms Merkel has in the past voiced cautious support for Mr Macron’s ambitions, she has stayed vague on details.

Having just started her fourth term as chancellor, her room for manoeuvre has been limited by her bloc’s weak showing in last year’s general election, which saw traditiona­l parties lose millions of voters to the far-right.

With her parliament­ary majority badly reduced, Ms Merkel can’t afford a rebellion by her own MPs.

And although her centre-left coalition partners the Social Democrats are more openly pro-EU, Mr Macron lost his loudest cheerleade­r when former European Parliament chief Martin Schulz stepped down as SPD leader in February.

“The French president knows very well that not all his ideas can be realised, we are now looking at what is possible,” Social Democratic Finance Minister Olaf Scholz told the Frankfurte­r Allgemeine daily.

Lawmakers from Ms Merkel’s CDU/CSU alliance threw down the gauntlet this week when they attached strict conditions to transformi­ng the EU’s bailout fund into a European Monetary Fund that can act as a “lender of last resort”.

Setting up such a f und would require a change to EU treaties, they wrote in a position paper, which would require the approval of each member state’s parliament.

They also said national l awmakers, not the European Commission, should have the final say over any aid disburseme­nts.

Mr Macron’s proposed eurozone investment budget meanwhile was dismissed by Ms Merkel’s party as not “a top priority”.

Difference­s also remain on the completion of a eurozone “banking union”, generally seen as one of the least controvers­ial issues but viewed scepticall­y in Berlin, in the belief that Germany would be on the hook to save fragile banks in other countries.

Ahead of Thursday’s talks, Ms Merkel distanced herself from some of Mr Macron’s pet projects, saying the changes Europe needed were not just about the single currency or the banking union — “far from it”.

 ?? AFP ?? France’s President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel kiss at the end of a press conference at La Celle-Saint-Cloud, near Paris, during a summit from the underfunde­d G5 Sahel anti-terror coalition.
AFP France’s President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel kiss at the end of a press conference at La Celle-Saint-Cloud, near Paris, during a summit from the underfunde­d G5 Sahel anti-terror coalition.

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