Bangkok Post




Dec 22-Jan 19 Perform the limbo rock. You need to be more flexible than usual. Bend a little if someone wants you to go along with their ideas or expects you to try something new and unusual.


Jan 20-Feb 18 Prepare for action. If you are dissatisfi­ed with receiving chicken feed remember that you have the resources to fly like an eagle. You can launch something profitable right now.


Feb 19-Mar 20 Buy bargains. If you recall history, opportunis­ts showed up to take advantage of a major change of fortunes after the civil war. You can get a huge discount with the right timing.


Mar 21-Apr 19 Turn on the charm. You can merely amuse people or make them excited about working to support your efforts. This is a good time to network and expand your sphere of influence.


Apr 20-May 20 Imitate resourcefu­l people. They may set a sterling example that can help you accomplish something of importance. The work ethic and passion that makes them successful may rub off on you.


May 21-June 20 Remain open to listening to someone wiser than you are. Although you may be grateful for unsolicite­d advice, you often prefer to think on your own or draw your own conclusion­s.


June 21-July 22 Concentrat­e on making informed decisions. It seems much easier to go along with the opinion of whoever is in the room, but you owe it to yourself to get the facts from the most reliable source.


July 23-Aug 22 You can make a wise decision that improves your life for years to come. Make the home or family your primary considerat­ion. You may have an opportunit­y to accomplish worthy ambitions.


Aug 23-Sept 22 The reason you use a pencil is to have the eraser. You have so much enthusiasm for whatever you are doing that you might rush and make mistakes. Buy things that reflect good taste.


Sept 23-Oct 22 You can wow people with winning ways and put out the welcome mat for wealth. Your social interactio­ns are more successful than usual, and you have sound judgement with financial matters.


Oct 23-Nov 21 This is a great time to launch something that will boost your power ratings or become a source of lasting contentmen­t. Think “success”, especially in the world of business or career.


Nov 22-Dec 21 Fan the fires under your plan. You have a general outline in your head of how you would like things to be laid out. A family member may offer wise advice or support your ideas.

If today is your birthday:

Reassess your finances and relationsh­ips during the upcoming two to three weeks, when you are wiser than usual, and when life seems pretty good. You may need trustworth­y advice to steer you clear of pipe dreams and unrealisti­c goals. Your popularity soars as April arrives and people may think you are better than you really are. Because you are highly attractive this is a good time to interview for a new job or meet a new love interest. In July your business instincts are on the mark, making this a good time for negotiatio­ns and financial analysis. Your prospects shift for the better in October and that is the best time to launch crucial projects, enter into a long-term agreement or to make your plans a reality. Anyone you meet will have your best interests at heart.

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