Bangkok Post




Dec 22-Jan 19 A house is only as good as the foundation upon which it is laid. It is a good idea to take your time. Prepare for a new project or agreement by carefully looking at all the pros and cons in advance.


Jan 20-Feb 18 A list of pros and cons can’t always help your financial decisions. The blinders may come off; you may take a dim view of someone who is inspiring but unreliable or imprecise.


Feb 19-Mar 20 Absorb the atmosphere and soak up some inspiratio­n. You may be restless to escape the mundane or in the mood to learn something of value. Meet challenges with a positive attitude.


Mar 21-Apr 19 Zip it up. You may be tempted to speak before you think or to think too fast. Being prodded and pushed goes against the grain. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.


Apr 20-May 20 Be forthright and honest. If you are humble and willing to face facts it is easier to make headway. This could be a good day to offer apologies, but a poor day to buy new things.


May 21-June 20 Some people consider the mule to be stubborn, but a mule wants to be sure that where he is going is safe. Resist people who make an attempt to whip you into action against your better sense.


June 21-July 22 Put finishing touches on projects, but don’t initiate anything new. A small delay with a check or a contract could cause worry, but after a few ups and downs everything will turn out fine.


July 23-Aug. 22 Be a model of industry. You might be hesitant to take the lead, but others will let you know they find you worthy. Friends could be inspired by your vision and determinat­ion to succeed.


Aug 23-Sept 22 Welcome inspiratio­nal ideas. Grab a book or video and learn some more. A tolerant outlook will act as an umbrella if storm clouds blow your way. You don’t need to embellish the truth.


Sept 23-Oct 22 You can be a softie even as you work hard. Being known for a first-rate work ethic can earn you kudos at the workplace. Being known for a soft heart can win you the key to someone’s heart.


Oct 23-Nov 21 Accept with open arms whatever good fortune or advice comes your way. Gather informatio­n and stay in contact with knowledgea­ble people who can provide you with wise counsel.


Nov 22-Dec 21 If you have promised to do something, you must follow through like a good little soldier. People will admire you for being true to your word and dependable in a crisis.

If today is your birthday:

You may be distracted from what is important and head off on a wildgoose chase during the next six to eight weeks. Wait until late April or May to make changes or decisions that can impact your financial security. In July you could be so riveted on your job or moneymakin­g activities that your loved ones fell neglected. Avoid taking vacations, shoulderin­g extra duties, or making crucial decisions during late September or early October when it may be an effort just to keep your head above water. A new romance may tug at your heartstrin­gs in early October but might not work out. Late November and December are excellent months to initiate crucial plans or successful­ly launch new financial undertakin­gs.

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