Bangkok Post

Trump greets college champs at White House

South Carolina female cagers decline invitation


>> WASHINGTON: Indoors and out, the White House was overrun with school spirit on Friday as US President Donald Trump welcomed college sports champions and declared them “great athletes”. Too many of them to fit in one room, the teams took up positions all around the mansion for separate photo ops with the president.

In all, 18 NCAA teams attended the event at the White House; South Carolina’s women’s basketball team declined the invitation.

Teams including the Texas A&M women’s equestrian team, Pennsylvan­ia State University’s women’s rugby team, and the University of Washington’s women’s rowing team gathered around the White House grounds to be recognised for their championsh­ips.

Trump posed for photos with the players throughout the Rose Garden, South Lawn and inside the White House and then sent them off to the Oval Office for a quick tour. At one point, the president playfully got into a wrestling pose with members of the Penn State men’s team. Chatting with the Ohio State men’s volleyball team, he popped a colourful volleyball into the air.

When Trump spotted Maryland lacrosse attacker Dylan Maltz wearing a blue Trump 2016 tie, he pumped his hand and brought him to the front of the team’s riser near the South Lawn. “Look at that, folks,” Trump said, holding up the tie to journalist­s.

In the Red Room of the White House, the NRA-backed Trump greeted the West Virginia’s co-ed rifle team by saying, “We saved the Second Amendment!” Then he asked, “So who is the best shot?” At another point, joined by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Trump bowed his head in prayer along with members of the Oklahoma softball team.

South Carolina coach Dawn Staley said after her team won the NCAA title in April that they would go to the White House if invited because “it’s what it stands for. It’s what national champions do.” She told The Associated Press in late September that she hadn’t received an invite and “that spoke volumes”.

In a statement on Thursday night, Staley said the team did end up hearing from the White House but chose not to attend.

“As I’ve been saying since our practices for this season started, all of our focus is on the season ahead,” she said. “The only invitation we are thinking about is to the 2018 NCAA Tournament.”

Trump sparred with profession­al athletes earlier this year when NBA star Stephen Curry said his championsh­ip-winning Golden State Warriors didn’t wish to meet with the president.

 ??  ?? US President Donald Trump plays with a ball while congratula­ting NCAA men’s volleyball champions Ohio State University.
US President Donald Trump plays with a ball while congratula­ting NCAA men’s volleyball champions Ohio State University.

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