Bangkok Post

Indonesia’s capital to vote in bigotry test

Christian governor fighting to keep job


JAKARTA: Jakarta’s Christian governor will fight to cling on to his job at polls this week despite standing trial for blasphemy, in a saga that has fuelled concerns about religious intoleranc­e in the Muslim-majority nation.

Basuki Tjahaja Purnama will tomorrow face two prominent Muslim candidates in the race to lead the Indonesian capital, a megacity of 10 million, as local elections take place across the country.

But the Jakarta ballot has become about much more than whether the city’s first non-Muslim governor for half a century, and its first ever ethnic Chinese leader, will continue in his job.

The run-up has been overshadow­ed by anger at claims Mr Purnama insulted the Koran, that sparked huge protests by Islamic hardliners and led to the governor being put on trial in a case criticised as unfair and politicall­y motivated.

Mr Purnama has not been barred from running but his lead in opinion polls has shrunk, and the vote is now seen as a test of whether much vaunted pluralism and a tolerant brand of Islam in the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country are being eroded.

“This is going to be a litmus test of Indonesian Islam — are we tolerant or intolerant?” asked Tobias Basuki, a political analyst from Jakarta think-tank the Centre for Strategic and Internatio­nal Studies.

Although Muslims dominate Indonesian politics, Christian and ethnic Chinese politician­s have risen to become government ministers, but very few have been both Chinese and Christian, like Mr Purnama.

Religious and ethnic tensions have made for a dirty race with “fake news” flooding social media. As many as 27,000 security forces will be deployed in Jakarta on election day.

The “fake news” has mainly targeted Mr Purnama, and included claims that a free vaccinatio­n programme he backed was a bid to make girls infertile and reduce the population. His supporters have hit back online, defending his record in office.

Tensions were still running high days before the vote, with tens of thousands descending on Jakarta’s national mosque on Saturday to urge voters to back a Muslim.

“I am here driven by my faith, because I also felt insulted when Ahok insulted my religion,” 25-year-old Mochamad Ramzie said, referring to Mr Purnama by his nickname.

The governor’s opponents are Agus Yudhoyono, the son of a former president, and ex-education minister Anies Baswedan, backed by former general Prabowo Subianto who heads a powerful political party and ran against President Joko Widodo in 2014.

About 100 other local elections will take place tomorrow but the stakes are highest in the capital, with the top job in Jakarta seen as a stepping stone to victory in the 2019 presidenti­al polls.

Mr Purnama’s troubles began in September when he said in a speech that his rivals were tricking people into voting against him using a Koranic verse, which some interpret as meaning Muslims should only choose Muslim leaders. An edited video of his comments went viral online, sparking widespread public anger.

 ?? AFP ?? Jakarta’s governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama gesturing during his final campaign rally in Jakarta on Saturday. Jakarta’s Christian governor is standing trial for blasphemy.
AFP Jakarta’s governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama gesturing during his final campaign rally in Jakarta on Saturday. Jakarta’s Christian governor is standing trial for blasphemy.

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