Bangkok Post

Army, govt at loggerhead­s over Taliban


ISLAMABAD: Disagreeme­nt over how to handle an escalating insurgency has put Pakistan’s all-powerful army on a collision course with the government, with the military increasing­ly vocal in its criticism of civilian leaders, officials and diplomats said.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has promised to tame Islamist militancy through negotiatio­ns, but talks have yet to start and attacks continue daily.

The army, which has ruled the country for more than half its history, has avoided open confrontat­ion with Mr Sharif and his government but tensions are rising.

Military-civilian discord has been the source of tension throughout Pakistani history but Mr Sharif’s election in June raised hopes the government would get a larger say following Pakistan’s first transition between civilian administra­tions.

Mr Sharif promised during the election campaign to hold talks with the militants, a welcome vow for many Pakistanis who, while abhorring the bombers, have never been convinced of the necessity of joining the US-led campaign against militancy.

The army opposes talks with the Pakistani Taliban, saying previous attempts to bring the militants to the negotiatin­g table yielded no results.

Frustratio­n spilled into the open on Sunday when a roadside bomb killed a general and another officer near the Afghan border, just days after government officials promised to launch peace negotiatio­ns with the Pakistani Taliban soon.

‘‘This incident has dealt a serious blow [to the peace process],’’ Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar told parliament this week. ‘‘We have come to a standstill.’’

The tension comes at a crucial time when speculatio­n is mounting over who will replace army chief Ashfaq Kayani after he retires in November.

‘‘While reaffirmin­g the army’s support for the political process, [Gen Kayani] also said, unequivoca­lly, that terrorists will not be allowed to take advantage of it,’’ the army said in a statement.

‘‘The army has the ability and the will to take the fight to the terrorists.’’

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