Taipei Times

The Japanese tradition of Hanami

“花見” —日本賞花文化


Japan has long been a popular tourist destinatio­n for people worldwide. Travelers love to experience the country’s unique culture, stunning sites, and delicious cuisine. Springtime is a particular­ly popular period to visit. Cherry blossoms, or sakura, are in full bloom, and tourists and locals alike can take part in hanami.

__1__ The word hanami literally translates to “flower viewing.” While hanami can be as simple as taking a stroll through a park with blooming cherry trees, the activity is typically much more elaborate. __2__ They can spend the entire day eating food, chatting with their companions, and of course, enjoying the beautiful scenery.

While there is some debate about the origins of this tradition, most people believe it started during the Nara period from 710 to 794. __3__ The first hanami festival that celebrated cherry blossoms was organized by Emperor Saga during the Heian period. By the time of the Edo period from 1603 to 1868, the trend to hold cherry blossom viewing parties had spread from the nobility to the general public. Hanami has only grown in popularity since then.

Participat­ing in hanami can be beneficial to people’s mental health. Relaxing in a park surrounded by the soft pink hues of cherry blossoms can help relieve stress and calm the mind. __4__ The anti-inflammato­ry properties of cherry blossom extracts provide relief from redness, rashes, and irritation­s. Furthermor­e, cherry blossoms are rich in antioxidan­ts that help cleanse the skin. So if you visit Japan in the spring, enjoy cherry blossoms’ mental and physical benefits.日本一直以來都是世界­各地人們的熱門旅遊目­的地。遊客熱愛體驗該國的獨­特文化、令人驚豔的場所,以及美味的佳餚。春天更是特別受歡迎的­旅遊時節。櫻花(日文稱sakura)滿開,遊客和當地人都可以參­與花見。花見是日本在春天櫻花­盛開時賞花的傳統。Hanami一詞字面­上譯成「花








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