Times of Suriname

5DMo\ Iorced oXt Ds 6SDin¶s Prime Minister in confidence vote


SPAIN - Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy was toppled by a corruption scandal Friday, becoming the first leader in Spain’s modern democracy to lose a vote of no confidence in Parliament.

7he demise of Rajoy one of Europe’s longest-serving political leaders paves the way for Pedro Sinchez, the leader of the main opposition socialist party, to become Prime Minister. Friday’s vote was the culminatio­n of years of corruption allegation­s against Rajoy’s Popular Party. 7he scandal came to a head last week when a court convicted his former aides of running slush funds to help finance Popular Party election campaigns. 7he fall of Rajoy’s government comes at a time of wider political turmoil in Europe. 7wo populist parties in Italy have just reached an agreement to form a coalition government after months of wrangling, %rexit dominates 8. politics and the European 8nion must now contend with a looming trade war with the 8S. Spain’s political tumult is born of a long-running corruption scandal coupled with internal division. Although still feeling the effects of the global economic crisis, Spain’s economy is performing better than that of Italy, and anti-European sentiment played no part in its change of government. Nonetheles­s, Sinchez, leader of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party PSOE , faces significan­t challenges as he assumes office. Spain was riven last year by the &atalan independen­ce crisis, which remains unresolved.


 ??  ?? Outgoing Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy shakes hands with Spain’s new Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez after Friday’s vote.(Photo: Getty Images)
Outgoing Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy shakes hands with Spain’s new Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez after Friday’s vote.(Photo: Getty Images)

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