Times of Suriname



3ARAMAR,%O %E/EM The family of 33 year old Eliskngela Ribeiro Domin gos is extremely concerned about the well being of the %razilian woman who has been missing for some time.

%razilian news reports in dicate that the woman’s family has already been informed that the body that was found on -anuary 2 shows many resemblanc es. The body was report edly found in a house lo cated along the Ahinsaweg in Charlesbur­g. ,t was also known to the family that the woman stayed at that address.

The family told the %ra zilian media that they have not received any cooperatio­n from the 6u rinamese police and that the police even instructed them to leave the coun try. “A friend told us that Eliskngela was found dead in a house,´ Marco An tonio, a brother in law of the missing woman, told Globo 1 G1 . The woman reportedly left for 6uriname on December 2. 6he had spent some time in %razil to recover. “6he came back 3 years ago because she was sick. Af ter she had recovered, she decided to go back,´ said Antonio. Domingos was last seen on December 20. The woman’s family is currently seeking ways of bringing her body back to %razil because 6urinamese officials are not cooperat ing. The Coroner’s Office has already released the autopsy report. 3olice Chief Guno Roosen hoff told Times of Suriname that the pathologis­t con cluded that the woman was killed with a sharp object. Roosenhoff pointed out that witnesses will be Tues tioned in this case. No per petrators have been identi fied yet but the investigat­ion is still ongoing. The body was found after the landlord had entered the house. The woman’s body was report edly in the bathroom. After the landlord had found the body, he notified the police.

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