Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

National Day of Thailand

5 December 2021


The 5th of December is celebrated in Thailand as the national day, as well as the birthday anniversar­y of His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great, and Father’s Day. Today, under the reign of His Majesty King Maha Vajiralong­korn Phra Vajiraklao­chaoyuhua, Thai citizens around the world continue to celebrate this occasion, in recognitio­n of the dedication and perseveran­ce that His Majesty the late King exerted towards Thailand’s sustainabl­e developmen­t.

His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s activities and contributi­ons were evident not only to the Thai people, but were also recognised by the internatio­nal community. His Majesty was known as the “Developmen­t King” and in this capacity, received many awards from various internatio­nal institutio­n and organisati­ons in numerous fields. The developmen­t work of His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej and his Sufficienc­y Economy Philosophy have been recognised internatio­nally as means to self-reliant developmen­t and sustainabl­e use of natural resources. Several other countries have applied the knowledge and techniques initiated by His Majesty for their own developmen­t.

Upon acceding to the throne as the 10th Monarch of the Kingdom of Thailand, His Majesty King Maha Vajiralong­korn Phra Vajiraklao­chaoyuhua continued the legacy of his father as embodied in the existing royal developmen­t projects. Examples include irrigation and dike projects at Baan Khao Daeng, Chanthabur­i Province, and visits to the people in various regions. When the Kingdom was struck by disaster,

His Majesty moved immediatel­y to provide aid, such as when he bestowed valuable advice, life-saving equipment, and supplies to the rescue effort of the Wild Boar Academy Football Team that was trapped in the Tham Luang-Khun Nam Nang Non Cave in Mae Sai, Chiang Rai Province, in June-July 2018.

Similarly, at the beginning of 2019, when the Pabuk Typhoon hit Thailand, His Majesty encouraged all state agencies to integrate their efforts to assist the people and bestowed money from funds raised from the Love and Warmth at Winter’s End (Un Ai Rak Khlai Khwam Nao): the River of Rattanakos­in Royal Winter Festival to alleviate the suffering of those affected.

His Majesty has sought to preserve the importance of the institutio­n of the monarchy, whose connection to the nation, people, and religion is profound. From the very start of his reign, he therefore took a number of actions, such as appointing Somdet Phra Maha Muniwong (Amborn Ambaro) the 20th Supreme Patriarch, appointing new Privy Councilors to assist in royal activities, and preserving royal and Buddhist ceremonies that are expression­s of the national character and ancestral heritage. His Majesty is also engaged in supporting the activities of all religions in Thailand and carries out administra­tive duties in accordance with the democratic form of governance. Furthermor­e, His Majesty has continued to build friendly relations with foreign countries.

His Majesty is highly attuned to issues regarding the environmen­t, waterways, and the changing lifestyle that has resulted from urbanisati­on. Building upon the legacy of his royal father, he establishe­d a volunteer network. With the motto of “We do good from the heart”, the network aims to encourage a volunteer spirit among people of all ages and genders to do good for the common benefit of society. The network has since been continuous­ly involved in the cleaning and dredging of canals, waterways, and roads.

His Majesty understand­s the importance of education in the developmen­t of the people and nation. As Crown Prince, he regularly bestowed scholarshi­ps drawn from personal assets as well as donated funds. He subsequent­ly commanded the establishm­ent of the His Royal Highness Crown Prince Maha Vajiralong­korn Scholarshi­p Foundation, abbreviate­d in Thai to Mor Tor Sor. Under this scheme, every year, the Committee of the Mor Tor Sor Foundation and the Governors of every province would bring scholarshi­p recipients for an audience with His Majesty to receive their scholarshi­ps and a commemorat­ive plaque, giving great joy to both the students and their teachers.

His Majesty was known as the “Developmen­t King” and in this capacity, received many awards from various internatio­nal institutio­n and organizati­ons in numerous fields. The developmen­t work of His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej and his Sufficienc­y Economy Philosophy have been recognized internatio­nally as means to self-reliant developmen­t and sustainabl­e use of natural resources. Several other countries have applied the knowledge and techniques initiated by His Majesty for their own developmen­t.

His Majesty is highly attuned to issues regarding the environmen­t, waterways, and the changing lifestyle that has resulted from urbanizati­on. Building upon the legacy of his royal father, he establishe­d a volunteer network. With the motto of “We do good from the heart”, the network aims to encourage a volunteer spirit among people of all ages and genders to do good for the common benefit of society. The network has since been continuous­ly involved in the cleaning and dredging of canals, waterways, and roads.

 ?? ?? His Majesty King Maha Vajiralong­korn Phra Vajiraklao­chaoyuhua
His Majesty King Maha Vajiralong­korn Phra Vajiraklao­chaoyuhua

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